New Seating Plan

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[A/n:  I don't know where the name Freya came from lol

Warnings: Language, homophobia]

Willie's pov:

Julie calls goodbye to her dad and we all start walking to school.  The sidewalk is too narrow for us to walk in a big line, so we go in groups of two.  Of course, I choose to walk with Alex. 

"Is that a cat?" I point to an empty doorstep, and when Alex looks away to try and find the cat I grab his hand. "Oops guess not." I giggle.

He turns around and I can see that he's blushing. "You knew there was no cat, didn't you."

I shrug innocently and he raises his eyebrows. He stops walking and starts to tickle me. "You did that to trick me into holding your hand."

I blush. "Mayybe?" I start laughing, he found my tickle spot. "Stopppp" I giggle, but I don't make any move to try and stop him.

He stops and goes back to holding my hand.

*time skip*

Alex's pov:

I sqeeze Willie's hand and whisper in his ear, "I wish we could sit next to each other, I'm stuck next to Freya and she's soo annoying. "

He smiles nods. "Hopefully we'll switch the seating plan up soon." He takes his seat.

I sigh and make my way over to my seat in the corner. 

"Good morning Alex!" Freya chirps.

I groan in my head, she's in a good mood and thats never a good sign.

"Good morning Freya." I put a conscious effort into showing that I wasn't in a mood to talk, but she doesn't take the hint.

"So how's your day going so far?"

"Fine." I turn away and start taking out my binders.

"Have any plans for tonight?"

I frown. "No. . . ?"

She giggles. "Do you think that you could go to the movies with me then?"

Oh shit not this again. Girls really have got to stop hitting on me.  "Um no thanks, I'm not looking for a partner." I turn back to my bookbag.

She grabs my hands and I freeze. I try to pull my hands away but she doesn't let me.

"Are you sure?" She pouts.

"Yes I'm sure. I told you, I'm not interested." This is making me so uncomfortable, so I try to stand up to get away from her. She pulls me back down.

"Why not? Don't you think I'm cute?"

Fuck no I don't; I'm gay. I try once again to pull my hands away from her but it only makes her grip them harder. I can feel a panic attack coming on, and my breathing speeds up.

"Let me go." My voice shakes.


I raise my voice. "Let me go!"

"No bab-" she's cut off by someone slapping her on the cheek.

"I think that he made his point quite clear. Hes not interested and feels uncomfortable. So please, leave my boyfriend alone and get your hands off him, bitch." Willie's voice is trembling with anger.

Freya's eyes go wide and she grabs her cheek. "I-" Her shock turns to confusion and then anger. "He's not gay, ew. Leave us alone your just jealous that he likes me."

Rage burns inside of me. "I am gay, thank you very much. And you would do well to listen to my boyfriend's advice,  fuck off."  My stomach fills with butterflies as I say boyfriend.  Oh how I wish that that was true.

She laughs.  "And how do I know that your not just saying that to get away from me? I need proof." She smirks, expecting us to give in and me to agree to go on a date with her.

"Oh you want proof do you?" I stand up and kiss Willie right on the lips.  "That proof enough?" 

She gasps. 

Willie grabs my hand and pulls me over to the teachers desk.  "Ms. Harrison? I'd like to make a change in the seating arrangement."

She raises her eyebrows. "And why is that?"

"Because Freya is harrasing Alex and making him feel uncomfortable."

"Oh my gosh, yes I understand. Alex you can sit with Willie if you want to and I'll be sure to talk to Freya about this."  [A/n: oh how I wish this is how all teachers were. *sighs*]

I smile at her. "Thank you."

She smiles back at me. "You can sit at Harry's old table. Tell Freya that I want to talk to her when you are getting your stuff."

I nod and go to collect my stuff. Willie helps me pick everything up.  Before we take it over to my new desk, I turn to Freya.

"Ms. Harrison would like to talk to you."

She gulps and looks over at Ms. Harrison,  who looks pretty mad.


Me and Willie walk over and set my stuff down on my new desk. We sit down and I giggle.

"What?" Willie aks.

"What did you mean when you called me your boyfriend?"

He blushes a deep red. "Ummm, I probably should've asked you this before, but will you be my boyfriend Alex?"

Yess!! I grin. "Of course I will Willie!"

He smiles and sits back in his chair.

"You know that's not how your supposed to sit in a chair, right?"

He shrugs. "Its comfy!"

I lean back and look closer at how he's sitting. With one leg bent and resting on the chair the other bent with his foot resting on the chair. [A/n: like how Willie sat on the bench that they moved in the museum.]   I imitate the pose and its actually quite comfortable.

Ms. Harrison finishes talking to Freya snd addresses the class.  "Alright class, today we are going to go over our homework from yesterday. Would anyone like to give. . ." I tune her out and get lost in a daydream about Willie.

[A/n: I just made up Freya today, but I already hate her with all my heart😀]

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