The Plan

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[A/n: The 'plan' is inspired by another fanfic I read, but I forget which one so if you've read it please let me know so I can give credit to them!

Warnings: Language and there is a kiss scene. I'll put a break before and after the kiss scene incase you need to skip.]

Alex's pov:

"Okay. . . " I say.  Looks like me and Willie is not the only ship sailing tonight. I look back and forth between Luke and Reggie, both are caught up in each other's eyes and are blushing.  "We need to come up with a plan to save Willie from Caleb."

Flynn giggles, the boys are too distracted and aren't listening to us.

"Guys!" Julie yells. "Snap out of it!"

That does the trick. They look away from each other guilty and avoid eye contact with all of us.

Then my brilliant mind comes up with a payback plan. "Hey Flynn,"


"You owe me $10 bucks."

Luckily she catches on and hands a bill over.

"What the fuck?" Luke whispers. Then his mouth opens wide. "You did not- tell me that you didn't do that."

I smile and shrug innocently. "Do what?"

"You know damn right what." He growls.

"Oh calm down, Lukey Poo."

Reggie looks up and blushes. I heard him call Luke that before so I figured that would get to him.


"Oh is Luke getting angry?"

"Yes!" He turns away from me and huffs.

I sigh. I can never keep a prank going. "I'm just kidding Luke. Flynn and I never placed a bet on you and Reggie and I'll leave him to call you Lukey Poo."

"Fine." Luke turns back around and his entire face is red. Out of anger or embarrassment though, I don't know.

"Okay moving on then," Julie says. She turns to me. "You mentioned a plan for saving Willie from Caleb, I've got an Idea but I don't know if it will work."

"Please, anything would help." Willie says. He curls himself up into a ball.

I wrap my arm around him and whisper in his ear. "Its ok Willie, we won't let Caleb destroy you, I won't let Caleb destroy you."

He smiles and exhales a shaky breath.

"So, my plan is that we try to stamp Caleb like he did to you guys. Willie, you've mentioned before that you know how to do it but just have never tried it before, right?"

Willie nods with a thoughtful look on his face.  "I think that actually might work! We just need to get him distracted so he doesn't notice anything before its too late."

"Well we can come up with that later. How long do you think you can stay away for before Caleb notices that you're missing?" Luke asks.

"At most a week."

Oh no. "That's not enough time to come up with a proper plan!" I gasp. "We need to make sure that this works because we only have one chance and if we mess up than Caleb will destroy Willie and mhff-"

~Kiss scene~

Willie cuts off my rambling with a kiss. I smile and grab his face, completely forgetting that everyone else was in the room.

He pulls away and says "Oh shut up Hotdog you're too cute when your worried."

He kisses me again and then I start hearing muffled laughter. I forgot that everyone else was in the room with us. Shittt.

Julie's pov:

I try to keep back my laughter but i just can't. Alex was rambling on about how the plan might fail and he looked so worried about what might happen to Willie, and then Willie just kissed him to make him stop talking. If you don't think that that is the cutest thing ever then there must be something wrong with you.

Willie pulls away from the kiss and I thought that they were gonna realize that we were here but instead he goes and flirts with Alex. He kisses Alex again and my laughter gets louder. So much for trying to not ruin the moment.

Willie and Alex pull away from each other and seem to realize that we're still there.

~Kiss scene over~

"Oh shit." Alex mumbles. His face turns bright red.

Willie is no better at dealing with the embarrassment, he's covering his face with his hands and lying on his back. "I really just did that." He groans.

Meanwhile me, Flynn, Luke, and Reggie are all rolling on the floor in laughter.

"Yes you really did just do that." Flynn gasps in-between breaths.

"Let's just forget that ever happened and move on, okay?" Alex says. He looks so embarrassed that I decide to drop it.

"So does anyone want to get back to the truth or dare game?" I ask, trying to change the topic to put Alex out of the spotlight.

[A/n: What do you think of Julie trying to help Alex feel better at the end? Personally I thought it was very cute. Anyways, should I write more of the truth or dare or should I skip to them executing the plan?]

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