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[A/n: The song in here is completly made by me, I did not take it off anywhere.  Only a bit of it is here, I'm planning on doing something with the rest of it later in the book.

Warnings: some fluff]

Willie's pov:

Alex goes over and sits behind his drums. I follow him and sit on a pillow on the ground.  The only time that I've heard the band play is when I went to see Alex perform at the Orpheum, and I want to hear more. Especially of Alex.

"What song are we doing today?" Alex asks.

Julie pulls out a stack of papers and hands them out. "I was thinking of trying this song I wrote. It's called 'If I Lost You That Would Break Me "

She hands me a sheet and I blink in confusion. "Why do I have one of these? Julie I'm not in your band."

She turns and looks at me. "Can you sing?"

I nod slowly. I've always been told that I have an amazing voice.

"Do you want to join the band?"

"I-" I gasp in shock. "Yes please!" That would let me hear Alex sing all the time! Not just at gigs, but at practice too.

Julie laughs. "Now you're in my band!"

"Welcome to the band mate." Luke smiles at me.

"Ya, welcome!" Reggie bounces up and down on Luke's couch- the couch that  no one but him and Reggie were aloud to sit on.

Alex bends down and hugs me from behind. "Welcome to the band Wills." He whispers in my ear.

We're all snapped out of our happy state when Julie yells "Okay everyone, its practice time!"

I scan the paper and read the lines that are highlighted for me to sing. The song starts off sad but gets happier when Julie comes in.

Me: If I lost you I'd lose myself,

Alex: I'd break into peices.

Luke: I would never let you go cause

Reggie: I need your kisses.

Luke:  you built me up,

Reggie: peice by peice

Luke: then knocked me down

Reggie: now I'm alone

Luke: you weren't there

Reggie: when I came home

Trails off


Me: I'd stop at nothing to find you.

Alex: but who'd be there to find me?

I look up when I get to Julie's part. "Woah this is amazing!"

Julie blushes and hides her face. "Thank you."

We all get ready to play and I take a deep breath. I start singing and Alex stares at me in shock.  He misses his line and we all laugh.

"Earth to Alex." Luke waves a hand in front of his face.

Alex startles. "Wha-?"

"You heard Willie sing and we lost you." Reggie giggles.

"No I did-" he looks around and sees that we all are holding our instruments, ready to play, and he's just sitting at his drums facing Willie. "-Oh." He turns red. "Its just- Willie- I-"

"Yes?" He's so cute when he's flustered.

"You have a beautiful voice." He mumbles.

I blush and stare at my feet. "Th- thank you."

"Awee!" Reggie says. "You two are so cute."

I bite my lip to stop myself from grinning like an idiot.

"Alex and Willie, sitting in a tree." Luke starts singing the song again and me and Alex groan.

"I'm guessing the only way to shut you up is for them to kiss, so kiss guys or else he'll be here all day." Julie laughs.

I sigh, but walk over to Alex.

"10 seconds!" Luke calls gleefully, and then he goes back to singing the song.

Alex rolls his eyes and kisses me.  It takes a lot of control, but I managed to not kiss him with tongue.

For the first 2 seconds.

Then I give up and it just turns into a full on make out session in front of everyone.  I can hear everyone laughing, but I don't care. I'm with Alex and thats all I need.

Suddenly I feel a burst of pain in my stomach and double over, ending the kiss abruptly. 

Oh no. This can't be happening. I start crying. Caleb found out that I haven't been going to the Hollywood Ghost club and now he's sending me jolts to try and get me to come back. I know because this is what happened when I helped the band get into the Orpheum, only this time its much worse.

Alex's eyes widen in worry. "What happened?" He gasps.

Another jolt strikes me and I fall to the ground.

Everyone else seems to realize what's happening and they all rush over to comfort me.

Alex sits down beside me and pulls me onto his lap.  "Is Caleb doing this?" He whispers.

I nod weakly and curl up into Alex as another jolt racks my body.

"This is what he does if he finds out someone has been doing something he doesn't like. He sends us jolts to try and make us come talk to him. If we don't, he either comes to find us or the jolts destroy us." My voice trembles as I gasp out the story.

Alex starts crying and holds me tighter. "H- he can't destroy you. I- I won't let him."

I sniff. "He could destroy me. He could destroy me right now if he wan-"

A voice in my head cuts me off. "William I'm coming to talk to you. You'd better have a good excuse as to why you haven't been coming to the the club for the past few nights."

I start shaking. "H- he's coming. Right now."

Everyone glances around in fear. No one asks me how I know, they just trust me and start making a plan.

Julie takes charge. "Okay, me Luke, and Reggie are going to be practicing. If we're lucky Caleb will hear us and not suspect anything and he won't come here.  Alex, take Willie and hide up in the loft."

Reggie and Luke get their guitars and Alex nods. He stands up with me in his arms and carries me over to the ladder.

"I don't think I can carry you up, your going to have to try and climb it." He whispers.  He sets me down and I slowly start to climb.  Alex goes behind me. A jolt causes my foot to slip, and he catches me and boosts me up the last few steps. 

"Thank you." I whisper.

We make our way over to the bean bag cushions and hide behind them, draping a blanket over us.  I curl up tight into him so that we are hardly taking up any space and maybe could pass off as another bean bag.

We hear Julie, Reggie, and Luke start playing Stand Tall.  I can tell how badly Alex wants to go down and join them, he's tapping his foot gently to the beat and mouthing his lines.

"Hello boys." Comes a voice from downstairs. "You wouldn't have happened to see Willie around, have you?"

[A/n: CLIFF HANGER MUCH? Anyways I'm proud of the song i wrote and I'm thinking of recording it to you can hear how its supposed to sound.]

7 Minutes In Heaven (Willex)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang