Do You Mean You Wanna-

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[A/n: Oh yall are gonna love this chapter. *evil laughs*

Warnings: Language and fluff ]

Willie's pov:

I blink my eyes open to find Alex's face right in front of mine.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." He whispers.

I smile and sit up. "Good morning. What time is it?"

"Almost 11am."

My mouth falls open. "Why didn't you wake me? Weren't we supposed to have a band practice at 8?"

"Yup, but I wanted to let you sleep." He sits up beside me.

I smile at him. "I probably needed that, thank you."

We get up put of bed and change into new clothes. When I turn around to see what Alex is wearing, I see him in one of my crop tops.

"Well aren't you looking cute." I tease, walking up to him and putting my hands around his waist.

He blushes. "Says you." He motions to my light purple t-shirt.

"Well if I knew we were gonna wear each others clothes I would've wore your pink hoodie." I pout at him, hoping he'll get the message and give it to me. He rolls his eyes but goes over to his dresser and gets it for me.

"Here you go." He puts it on me, and it hangs down past my waist and over my wrists. I giggle and gently slap him with the part of the sleeve that was hanging off of my hand.

"Oh thats how you repay me?" He opens his mouth in shock horror.

I hit him again and he tackles me onto the bed, a smile his face now.

"Do that one more time and there'll be trouble, you nasty little mother fu-"

I slap him with both of the sleeves.

"Thats it! I'm taking my sweater back!" He pulls it over me, taking my shirt with it.

"I-" he freezes. "Oops."

I burst out laughing.

"That was on purpose, wasn't it?" I say.

He turns red and buries his face in his pink hoodie."N- n- no."

"Yesss it was."  I pull his hoodie away from him and throw it to the ground.  Then I take my crop top off of him.

"Willie!" He yelps.

"It was an accident." I shrug.

He rolls his eyes, pushes me to my back on the bed, and then climbs ontop of me.

"I love you, you dumbass." He leans down and kisses me aggressively, putting butterflies in my stomach.

A few minutes later our heated make out session is interrupted by Julie.

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING EW!" She half yells, half laughs.

Alex jumps off of me and glances down at his chest. Oops I forgot that we didn't have shirts on.

"N- nothing." I sit up and grab Alex's hoodie, quickly putting it on. Alex does the same with my crop top.

Julie raises her eyebrows at us. "We're starting practice now. That is if Luke and Reggie are ready." She walks over and looks at the floor below us. "Ya I don't think they are," she whispers, motioning for us to come over.

I walk up to the railing and peer over it. I cover my mouth with my hands to stop myself from laughing. Reggie is laying down on Luke's couch and Luke is straddling him, the two kissing intensely. I'm not gonna lie, they look really cute together.

"Let's surprise them." Alex whispers. He goes back to his bed and grabs his pillows off of it. I grin when I realize what he's planning on doing. I take a pillow from him and Julie does the same.

"On the count of 3." She aims her pillow. "1, 2, 3."

We all thrown our pillows down. Me and Alex's landed on either side of them, but Julie's landed smack on Luke's head.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Luke yells.

"Oww." Reggie groans; Luke collapsed onto him when he was hit by the pillow.

We all erupt into fits of laughter. Luke looks up and spots us.

"GUYS WHY-" He grabs a pillow and throws it up at us, missing Alex by several feet. "JUST LET ME KISS MY BOYFRIEND IN PEACE!"

"Boyfriend?" I mutter. "Thats new."

"Shut up!" Luke calls, and then he goes back to kissing Reggie.

I roll my eyes. "Come on, let's get ready to practice."

Julie climbs down the ladder, and I'm about to follow her when Alex stops me.

"We never finished that kiss. . ." He says, fiddling with his fanny pack.

"Oh Hotdog." I sigh. I walk over to him and kiss him quickly. "There. We can finish the rest tonight."

His eyes widen. "Do you mean-"

"Do I mean what?"

He mutters something and I don't catch it.

"Sorry, what was that?"

"Doyoumeanyouwannahavesex?" He mumbles, his face turning bright red.

I heard what he said, but just for the fun of embarrassing him, I get him to repeat it. "Say that again, but 10 times slower."

He looks at the floor, and shifts his weight from foot to foot nervously. "Do you mean you want to have sex."

I smirk at him, thats not what I ment, but if he wants to . . .

"I mean, only if you do." I climb down the ladder, to scared to wait for his response. What if he wasn't ready and thought I was trying to force him into something?

"Hi again Willie," Julie says. "What took you so long?"

"Oh nothing," I reply. No way I'm telling her what actually happened.

Just then, Alex poofs down. His cheeks are the color of tomatoes and I giggle.

"My answer is yes." He says, immediately turning away from me and sitting at his drums. My mouth falls open in shock.

"You- you want to?"

"Yes, now shut up." He hides his face in my crop top hoodie, causing it to go up a bit and reveal more of his stomach. 

"Okayy." Julie looks back and forth between us. "Is there something you guys would like to say?"

"No!" Me and Alex say at the same time.

Julie raises her eyebrows, but sits down at her piano. "Well then you'd better get ready to sing."

[A/n: you're welcome for everyone who wanted that lmao]

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