Part 27

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Lily's POV
I woke up and ran to the bathroom and had the urge to throw up. My stomach hurt so bad and I started to cry but I didn't want to wake up bry. I felt someone come up behind me and hold my hair and rub my back as I threw up. I turned around still crying and realized Bry was there. He grabbed a wet towel and wiped my face and he cleaned up the mess. He pulled me in for a hug and asked me what was wrong.
B- baby are you ok?
L- yeah but my stomach hurts and I feel nauseous.
B- maybe your hungry?
L- no I don't think so the thought of food is making me sick. Wait Bry?
B- yes baby.
L- did you use a condom last night?
Bry began pacing around the room trying to remember if he used a condom and he was beginning to stress. I grabbed his arm and calmed him down.
L- baby it's ok if you didn't we will get through this together. Can you just run to the store and get me a test.
He nodded and his face grew pale. We were only 20 and 21 so we were still young to be having children and we had only started dating like 1 month ago. I'm scared but I hope this won't change Bry and make him want to leave me. As soon as Bry left I began to think. What if we are pregnant? What will Bry do? Will he leave me? Am I going to be a good mom? I started to cry and I just couldn't handle life right now so I locked the door and waited for bryce so that no one will see me like this. Bryce came back and I took the test. I came outside and we waited. I started to cry but Bry held me in his arms and rubbed my back.
B- baby if you are pregnant I will be with you by your side till the day I die. I love you so much and even though we didn't plan for this to happen I am still so excited to see if you are. Like imagine little party animals roaming our house or bad bleeps.
L- I love you so much Bry there is honestly nothing I would change about our relationship because if I am pregnant right now it is something that is meant to be. And I am kinda excited too to see little bad bleeps or party animals.
Bryces POV
The timer went off so lily got off my lap and went to the bathroom to check. I stood behind her and rubbed her back and she counted to 3 before turning over the test.





I frowned at the site but I sorta saw lily sigh from relief that she wasn't pregnant. I kinda got my hopes up but I guess we will have to wait till later.

Lily's POV
I was relaxed now that I wasn't pregnant because I was still young and I don't think I would have been able to do it. I looked over at Bry though to see him frowning. So I grabbed his face and kissed him. He didn't kiss back so I was confused.
L- Bry what's wrong. This is good we are still too young.
B- no we aren't. This isn't good I kinda want kids.
L- I'm sorry baby maybe in the future but right now we need to focus on us and our relationship so we can make it grow and then we can think about kids.
B- I guess
I don't know why Bry is acting like this. Ever since the test came out negative he has been avoiding me. I went up to him while he was playing Xbox and tried to sit in his lap but I accidentally dropped his cup of juice of his carpet so he got mad at me and told me to wipe it. I've never seen this side of bryce. Maybe he doesn't actually love me. Or maybe we need a break.... I think I just need to talk to him. So I turned off his Xbox and grabbed his arm and lead him to our room.
B- why did you bring me here.
L- why have you been avoiding me all day.
B- I want kids and you seem to not want any
L- bryce we are still so young
B- that doesn't matter. I think you just believe I'm still a fuck boy and won't be able to take care of the kids.
L- what no Bryce. I know you have changed and you are an amazing man now but I just don't think I'm ready. I won't be a good mom.
B- listen lily I think we should just take a break for a while.
L- wait what....
B- I'm really stressed now and I think we should take a little break from each other.
I started to cry when he said those words. I broke down actually. He just stares and me and I just nodded slowly not wanting to admit that we should take a break for a while. Where would I go anyway? That didn't bother me right now but bryce just came over and gave me a hug but it was different. Not his normal hugs where he holds me in his arms but one he would give to mads or one of his friends.
B- I guess we can both stay at sway but I guess it will be better for me to sleep in the guest bedroom for now.
L- *softly talks* ok
B- lily I still love you but I just need sometime to make myself better.

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