A chat on the moon chariot

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Gods, that took way longer than I assumed it would. I can only apologize for the delay. The results of the poll are at the bottom, btw.

Also, this is one of the shorter chapters, but to counter that, we have some much-needed fluff in this chapter. So, Pertemis shippers, enjoy!

The title is a bit familiar, isn't it?


I laughed nervously. "Hehe you see, Medusa is super-tired right now, so I'm just gonna head inside and..." I trailed off, as I turned to bolt.

I was able to take about two steps before a resounding command froze me. "Stop," Annabeth ordered.

I turned around and met her eyes nervously. "Yes?"

Her eyes narrowed as I gulped. "Explain," she demanded, her intimidating grey eyes boring into mine. I looked towards Grover who was glancing at me, then Annabeth, as if one of us was going to start bashing the other's head, and knowing her, it was probably going to be Annabeth.

I sighed in defeat and nodded. "Fine, just let me put her down."

Annabeth hesitated but nodded reluctantly. I glanced around the diner to find any resting area to place Medusa. My eyes caught a door marked 'For employees only' and I walked towards it, shifting Medusa slightly in my arms.

With a creak, the door opened to reveal a quaint room with a bed on one of its side and a door on the other, presumably leading to the bathroom. The place was small but surprisingly comfy.

With a soft grunt, I placed Medusa on the bed and draped a blanket over her. I glanced at her peaceful face and smiled softly. Now, don't get me wrong, I was not attracted to her in any case, but watching a soothed soul after millennia of grief brought a content smile to my face.

Rubbing my eyes tiredly from the whole day's ordeal, I made my way out of the room, already dreading the conversation that would follow with one insatiable daughter of Athena and one self-deprecating satyr.


The entire ordeal ended up with Grover looking at me in fascination and Annabeth looking cross between sticking her dagger down my throat and smiling at me. In the end, she unsurprisingly decided upon a death glare.

I would have mistaken her for being extremely mad at me if not for the slight twinkle of approval in her eyes and Grover reading her emotions. The rest of the evening passed uneventfully, with us huddled around warm embers in the middle of the dining area, summoned by yours truly. At one point, Grover decided it would be a good idea to practice his reed pipes. Needless to say, his practice didn't last long because Annabeth's glare put a stop to the wails of a dying cat soon.

Annabeth still seemed pretty pissed at me, so she mainly kept her distance, only offering input whenever I'd say something stupid regarding the quest. An hour later, Grover offered to stay awake and keep the first look-out. I didn't even have the energy to protest because I was hella tired from using my powers extensively that day.

The last I saw, was a similarly drowsy Annabeth faceplanting on her sleeping bag before the soft lull of Grover's reed pipes and the crackling of the fire sent me into the realm of Morpheus.

Percy opened his eyes to a pair of breathtaking silver eyes staring at him. He yelped at the closeness of the figure and jerked back, almost falling out from the... chariot?

Wait, what am I doing in a chariot?

Taking deep breaths to calm down his hammering heart, he frowned and looked out the chariot. Percy yelped and jumped back in alarm when he noticed how high he was from the ground. One could barely make out the clouds below the chariot, much less the earth.

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