Blast (literally) to the Past

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"hey," I said awkwardly. Artemis squawked in disbelief. She elbowed my shin, rather painfully, might I add. I let out a cry of indignance and pain.

"What are you doing?" she hissed. "You do not say 'hey' in front of super-powerful deities. That's how you get killed."

I was about to retort when someone cleared their throat loudly. I turned my head towards the lady in the middle and she spoke with a smirk, "It is alright Artemis. The 'great' Percy Jackson does not bow in front of anyone, do you?"

I blushed and rubbed my neck sheepishly. She was indeed correct, heck, I didn't even bow to Zeus. Granted he was an arrogant brat but he was a super-powerful arrogant brat. "Only if they don't deserve it or I don't know them."

The Lady laughed, a tinkling melodious sound, her eyes shining with amusement. By now, the remaining people in the room were openly chuckling too. The golden dude was teasing the lady in black. Something about 'trickery'. I don't know why, but that caused alarm bells to start ringing in my brain. I honestly thought she was gonna explode, since she had this beautiful but intimidating and frankly scary aura around her. To my surprise, she started...pouting?!

Well, these guys were certainly different than the Olympians. I couldn't imagine Zeus pouting ever...actually, I could but I wouldn't want to see that. I shuddered at the thought.

The other people stared at me for a second before bursting out in a fit of giggles.

I blinked. Why were they laughing?

"Oh, we were just imagining Old Thunder pants pouting." The lady said before bursting into another bout of giggles.

I stared at them. Did they just rea-

"Of course we did Perseus." the golden man said. "We wouldn't be 'super-powerful immortal deities' if we couldn't read minds, right?"

The others nodded sagely.

"It's Percy" I grumbled but I was still confused about who these people were. Even if they were two of them had familiar auras, I couldn't place my finger on who these guys were. Sure, they seemingly had huge amounts of power but they seemed pretty chill. If it was Zeus in front of me right now, I am sure he would've blown his gasket. Seeing my confused face the pale lady with black eyes cleared her throat. "Now you must be wondering who we are, right?"

I nodded. I waited for an answer but she seemed to look at me in anticipation. I frowned and then realized she was having a dramatic pause. The Lady in the center rolled her eyes answered the question for her. She took a deep breath.

"We are the protogenoi council."

My mouth fell open as she continued, "We are, as you know, the primordials. My name is Chaos, the protogenoi of creation and gravity, and the Queen of the protogenoi council."

I blinked, my mind still unable to comprehend what was happening. I then remembered that Gaea was a protogenos too. That raised some serious red flags. So, I asked what anyone would ask in that situation. (hehe) "Are you going to kill us?", I asked bluntly. Artemis gave out a sound between a choke and irritation.

Chaos laughed, "No we are not going to kill you, Percy." Now I was confused.

I frowned. "But aren't you with Gaea? She tried to kill us, so why are you not going to?"

As soon as I mentioned Gaea's name, the atmosphere became gloomy and depressing. All the primordials looked down in sorrow.

Chaos merely smiled sadly, "Gaea is my daughter, yes, and I love her with all my heart, but her prejudice against the gods has gone too far. In her hunger for power, she lost her kind and impartial nature that my sweet daughter once had. She began to siphon the energy from the domains of other primordials which disrupted the balance of powers and brought the primordials to the verge of fading. Those you see before you are the only ones left who are unaffected."

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