I mess with the Horse and the Goat

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I groaned as I opened my eyes, my head still throbbing in pain. I squinted at the bright sunlight pouring through the window in the room and stinging my eyes. I winced in pain, as I tried to get up from the bed and into a more comfortable sitting position. I groaned and put my head in my hands.

Gods, that hurt like shit. I would not recommend Time-Travel to anyone any day soon.

As I was planning to take note of my surroundings, I heard a giggle. I snapped my head around in search of the sound but almost fell back in pain from a head rush. I grunted in agony as the throbbing became louder and louder until it eventually started to slow out and finally stop.

I took a deep breath, trying to clear my head from the torment, and looked up again to take register my surroundings. The room I was in was vaguely familiar with its bluish-gray walls and a plain desk at the corner.

Where am I?

'You are in your dorm, Percy', I heard someone speaking in my head.

I shrieked and nearly fell out of my bed in surprise. I heard someone snicker.

'Don't do that! I almost had a heart attack' I scolded the voice, still sprawled on the floor.

'Oh shut up you big baby. You are perfectly fine, right?. Or should I call Artemis here to make you feel better?' the voice teased.

I blushed crimson but manage to squeak out, 'How do you know about that? And for that matter, who are you?'

'W-WHAT!?', this time another voice spluttered indignantly, 'You mean you didn't remember us?' The voice seemed positively appalled I forgot them.

'Um...sorry? I really don't know what is happening right now. Who are you?' I was getting more and more freaked out by the second by the creepy voices.

The voices seemed to sense my agitation and started whispering calming things into my mind. Eventually, I started calming down under the smooth and soft words of the voices. My breathing finally evened out as I closed my eyes in exhaustion.

After a while, the first voice asked, 'Percy, what is the last thing you remember?'

I frowned as I tried to remember my last memory. I hesitated, 'I remember about my death from the attack in the hunter's camp. After that, I remember some bits and pieces about a...throne room?' I questioned.

The voice seemed to nod. 'Yes, Percy you were in a throne room and-wait why don't I just give you your memories back?' The voice pondered.

I rolled my eyes, 'Yes, that would be much more convenient.' I snarked.

The second voice giggled and the first voice chided, 'Don't use that tone on me, young man.'

'Yes, mom' I grumbled.

An abrupt dash of memories transpired through my brain.

Chaos...Nyx...Time travel...Artemis...Primordials.

Everything came back to me and I fell to my knees at the sudden rush of memories.

Now, everything made much more sense. Suddenly, a thought occurred to me. If Chaos and Nyx had agreed to be 'guides' of sorts to me for this journey then that meant... I groaned, 'I believe that is you, Chaos and Nyx?'

The two giggled and cheered, 'Yep!'

'Oh gods...'

I paused and frowned. 'Where is Artemis, by the way, and why isn't anyone here in the dorm?' I questioned

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