Part 5 - Special FBI Agent, Walker

Start from the beginning

"Just because he beat up some Viper gang members doesn't mean that they'll stop," Senator Armstrong says. "He needs to be more harsh, enough to make them stop,"

Right now, everyone's debating on whether they should pass laws that potentially "restrict" Power-Punch and his actions. There hasn't been much information, but Vice President Dennis did say that they were going to reveal more about the laws later. 

Expect there to be more takes on Power-Punch and someday us meeting that hero ourselves. 

That wraps up today's article. We hope you have a fantastic day, and we'll keep you informed in our next publication. 

Stay tuned!

Written by Emily Coldstone.

I'm glad to see that there was support for me. There is controversy, but that comes with every new piece of information.

"It's sunny outside," I muttered. 

This is a good day to explore the city. I put on some clothes I saw other people wearing and walked outside.


The city was an interesting experience. This time, since I wasn't confused about anything, I finally got to experience the city like a tourist, not of a man on the verge of death. I was hungry, but not to the extent of last time: just a normal hunger. 

People were bustling everywhere, the road was full of cars, and multiple different stores and buildings were operating like normal. This view could make you think that The Vipers don't exist: how could they impact such a good life?

That's the thing: they are probably attacking another part of the city and waiting to strike. 

I personally think that it's a feeling we can all relate to. It's a feeling that you're safe, that nothing could ever happen to you; after all, many other people are safe as well. However, many people fail to notice that while they and the people around them are safe, it is very probable that someone else is not safe. They get blinded by a feeling of safety when in reality they are in danger. It's like an enemy watching over you, but choosing not to attack you since it's not worth it at the moment. 

An Earthquake could strike anytime, but it doesn't. That tricks many people into thinking that an Earthquake will never strike; however, once it does, nobody is prepared for it. This is the case with The Vipers: as soon as they strike, nobody will be ready for them. Our "safety" is just a mask for danger. I am in danger just as much as everyone else is. 

"Focus, Jay..." I muttered. "I came here to have some fun, not to think about business," 

Suddenly, I found it: the seafood restaurant. It was in a joint full of restaurants, but I wanted to eat seafood since I hadn't eaten anything like that for almost 10 years. I had to eat insects and the remains of dead beasts to survive: it was disgusting, yet just as necessary. 

I sat at a table and looked at the menu. It had a lot of stuff in it involving lobsters, such as lobster bread or pizza, and lobsters themselves being served with sides such as mashed potatoes and steaks! My mouth watered as I saw each dish I could eat. 

"Are you ready to order?" a waiter asked me. 

"Yeah," I replied with a smile. "I'll have some biscuits, lobster pizza, and lobster with steak!" 

"Sounds good," the waiter responded. "Give us about 15 minutes and we'll be here with your order!"

I looked around the restaurant: many families were dining in this place. I saw a mother and father spoonfeeding their son and a couple eating lobster together. It reminded me a bit of the old days, but I refused to let that deter me. I wanted to have some fun once and for all and this was the way. 

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