Chapter 2

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*Taylor's POV*

I unlocked the front door to my house and slammed it closed behind me, before running upstairs to my room. I threw my bag into the corner of my room and sat down at my desk. I opened my laptop and the bright screen shined in the my eyes. I quickly logged into twitter and began scrolling through my timeline. Everyone was talking about the latest Janoskians video. Before I began flipping out, I went onto YouTube and typed in Janoskians, which took me to there channel. There latest video was "Professional Skipping #2 (Mockumentary)". I clicked on it and began watching. I took deep breathes in between my fits of laughter. They were so funny. I then soon began gasping for air when I saw Jai and Luke change into shirtless Santa outfits. I fell off of my desk chair and onto the floor. "Why do you do this to me?" I cried, clutching my stomach. Luke's beauty actually caused me physical and emotional pain. I stayed laying on the floor, crying while the video continued to play. I heard the front door of my house open, before the sound of footsteps came up the stairs. My bedroom door swung open. I looked up and saw my younger brother, Anthony, standing in the doorway. "What are you doing?" He asked. I couldn't speak. I barely had enough strength to lift my finger and point to the video playing on my laptop. "The Janoskians?" He asked me. I nodded my head. Anthony turned away from my room and began walking back downstairs. "Mom, Taylor's having a mental breakdown about the Janoskians again!" He yelled. "What else is new?" I heard my mom reply. I rolled my eyes and slowly stood from my curled up position on the floor. Why didn't they understand the pain that I experienced from obsessing over these boys? I pulled myself up and into my chair, where I finished watching the video.

After crying and obsessing over the boys for a few more hours, I decided that I would start my homework. I took my English book at of my bag that laid in the corner and plopped down on my bed. I noticed my phone lighting up on my desk but I figured it was just Grace so I didn't answer it. About five minutes later by phone was buzzing and lighting up continuously. What the hell was going on? I jumped off my bed and ran to my phone. I had five texts from Grace, two from Aly, seven missed calls and 30 twitter notifications. What the actual fuck? I unlocked my phone and went to the texts that I received from Aly first.

"You have a boyfriend?" Aly text read. "And you didn't even tell me?"

A boyfriend? What? I just ignored it and went to Graces texts.

"OMG! Taylor text me!" "Text me right now!" "Since when are you dating Luke Brooks?!"

I laughed at all her texts. I'm surprised she didn't realize it was a joke. "Calm down Grace. It was just a joke" I texted her back. She replied almost instantly.

"That's not what everyone on Twitter thinks."

I was really confused. I sat at my desk and logged into twitter on my laptop. All of the 30 notifications I had were,from people at my school, about my "boyfriend" Luke Brooks.

"Since when does @taylorxx have a boyfriend?"

"@taylorxx what school does Luke go to?"

"@taylorxx is he hot?"

There were many other questions about Luke but I kinda just skipped over a lot of them. Why does everything think that I was dating him. I picked up my phone and dialed Grace's number.

"Hello?" Grace said when she answered the phone.

"Hey Grace it's Taylor. Can you-"

"Oh my god! Taylor! Why does everyone think that you're dating Luke?!" She cut me off from my question.

"I have no idea. I know that we imagine it all the time but....Brian." The thought suddenly. Came to me. I had totally forgot that I had told Brian that I had a boyfriend to avoid going out with him.

"What does Brian have to do with this?" Grace asked me. I told her the story and she then understood what was going on.

"Brian must've told people and now the whole school knows" Grace said. I nodded my head even though she couldn't see. "We'll it's a good thing no one knows who he is."

"Yeah I know. Can you do me a favor?" I asked Grace.

"Of course. What is it?" She answered back.

"Can you take one of the photoshopped pictures of me and Luke on twitter or Instagram with the caption 'aww cuties'?" I asked her. I heard her laughing on the other end of the phone. "I'm serious." I said and her laughter stopped.

"Why do you want me to do that?" She asked me. I could tell that she was really confused.

"Well if I don't go along with it, then everyone will think that I'm a liar and then I'll feel really bad for lying to Brian." I explained to Grace. She was quiet for a second. My phone then lit up and I noticed that I got a twitter and Instagram notification. I opened it up and saw that it was the photoshopped picture of me and Luke. "Thank you Grace! You're the best!" I yelled into the phone.

"Yeah I know I am and you are very welcome." She said before hanging up the phone. I smiled. I had to make this work. I had to pretend that I was dating Luke Brooks.


Hello my beautiful readers! How are you? Did you guys like this new chapter? I hope you did and please please please like, share, comment, vote, and fan!!! I love you all. And I have to go back to school tomorrow so I'm probably not gonna have any time to update so...yeah haha hope you enjoyed! ~Kayla :)

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