In memory

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(This episode is for the Original Cast only, to remember the actor who played Screech)

It's three am at the Morris's house, Zack and Kelly are sleeping when the phone rings, Zack answers


Hello, Violet, hey what...what happened.

Zack drops the phone


Zack, what's wrong?


Screech was in a...he was in a car accident, he's gone.

(No theme song just title card saved by the bell)

Scene goes to bayside high school where the gang is having Screech's memorial service

Zack and Kelly arrive with their kids, they soon see's their friends




I still can't believe he's gone.


I mean we were gonna catch up and have a couple of beers, and...

Zack says nothing but walks away


I can't imagine what Violet is going through.

Soon Lisa walks in


Lisa, you came.


Screech and I had a not so good relationship, but he was my friend, and I have to pay my respects.

Soon Violet comes out


The service is starting.

Soon the gang enters it takes Zack a minute to come in


Zack, you coming?


Yeah, I'm coming hon.

Screech service starts


Thank you all for coming, I never...I never thought of this day happening so soon. I thought Samuel and I would grow old together, he would see Dennis graduate from high school. I wanna thank Jessie for letting us have his memorial service here at bayside high, because he...i'm so sorry...he loved this school so much and the friends here. He's in a better place now.

There was not a dry eye in the room

Soon People come a say a few words about him


I met Screech when I first came to the bayside. He was the funniest guy I ever met. He was someone who you could listen to, always there when you needed him to be, there would be no Bayside had it not been for Screech. He was our little brother, who we protected, and cared for. He was the glue that kept us together, I'm gonna miss you Screech.

Lisa went next


Screech was the first boy who had a crush on me. He was sweet and kind and always there from me, even when I didn't want him to be. I'm happy he found someone perfect for him, and that was Violet, he build a life with her, and his life was happy. I just wish there was more to it, i'll never forget you Screech.

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