Chapter Four (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"You're the guy who killed that snapper behind me," I said, letting my mouth drop a little.

"That's right, sunshine," Blue Eyes said with a smirk tugging at corner of his lips as the older man beside him shook his head. I blinked absently as I took in his features. He had disheveled dirty blond hair that served well to compliment his eyes. He wore a dark t-shirt that showed off broad shoulders and lean, muscular biceps. Even though he seemed to be a few years older than me, his features held a certain sharpness to it that aged him beyond his years, telling me that he definitely had been through several hardships. However, in his almost magnetic gaze, I saw something soft that pulled me toward him in a way I couldn't quite explain. In a few seconds he had become one of the most interesting things I'd ever seen.

Suddenly, someone let out a fake cough and I realized that I was standing there staring at him like an idiot. I swallowed hard, glancing at Darlene before I took an open seat at the table where I wasn't sitting directly next to anyone.

"I'll go grab you some food," Darlene said, a big smile on her face as she patted my shoulder. "When I get back, I'll introduce you all properly."

As she walked away, I took my hands in my lap and starting picking at my fingernails. I suddenly forgot how to socialize as I was surrounded by all of these new faces. Luckily, Blue Eyes gave me a warm smile and broke the silence.

"Congratulations, blondie," He said, glancing around. "Looks like you've made it to our little paradise."

He held a certain distaste in his tone when he spoke and for a second, I thought he actually didn't like it here. I couldn't imagine how he couldn't. From what it sounds like, they have food, water, a place to sleep, weapons, safety. Most people never get half of those things nowadays. Hell, most people aren't alive to experience those things. Nonetheless, it made him more intriguing.

"What did you call 'em?" An elderly man that sat next to Blue Eyes asked. He sported a small beard on his chin and had rough features that aged him the most. Unlike Blue Eyes, he was far more heavyset, but carried most of his weight in the upper half of his body. What caught my eye was the worn leather jacket he wore, which reminded me of the loud biker men that hung around crummy bars.

"Snappers," I answered, my gaze flickering from the man to Blue Eyes. I instantly felt self-conscious about the name I had come to call them. "It kind of just, well, fits."

"That's a lot better than what we call 'em," he laughed, shaking a little bit of the embarrassment away. "We been runnin' round here callin' 'em dirty bastards for the past few months."

"Oh shut-up, old man," Blue Eyes said, patting a hand on the old man's back. "By the way, I'm leading you three to two. Looks like you're going to have to go hunting out there for a kill, because it's pretty dead out there in the hall."

"What's your name?" A woman next to the old man asked me abruptly. She had sharp, short, black hair and sat with her back straight as a pin. Her gaze held a disapproving look, her eyes like ice chips giving me a cold, unwelcome feeling.

"Lease," I said, the smile that was slightly forming gone. "Short for Elise."

"Has the government sent you?" She asked me, her voice sharp as her gaze. My eyebrows raised. I wasn't expecting that question. It's been months since the pandemic hit, did she really think there was still a government? Apparently Blue Eyes didn't, as he ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

"Come on," He said, his kind tone mixing with one of annoyance. I had a feeling he's tackled this question a lot with her. "Does she look like a secret agent?"

"You never know," She countered defensively, giving him a look before she returned her gaze to me. She seemed incredibly impatient now. "Well? Did they send you or not?"

The Dead and the Restless (Completed with undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now