Chapter 66: REUNION

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The scene begins with Oscar back in his cell. The poor boy took quite the beating, and is now bruised, has a black eye and has blood smudged under his nose and by the corner of his mouth.

Ozpin: (in Oscar's mind) I'd like to express again that this is my burden to bear, not yours. His grudge is with me.

Oscar: no, it'll be even worse. He's holding back with me. I can tell.

Ozpin: I understand. I do. But you've done so much already. The least I can do is give you a break and try to get us out of here.

Oscar: we can't leave yet. This is our chance.

Ozpin: hmm, maybe you've taken one too many hits.

Oscar: Salem, she knows she can't take on the whole world at once. So she doesn't. She has her followers work their way in sabotaging us from the inside out.

Both: maybe we should do the same.

Ozpin: we certainly are similar, you and I. Maybe we have been presented with an opportunity.

The membrane door squelches open, and Hazel enters the room.

Oscar: great.

Ozpin: Oscar, please.

Hazel picks up Oscar and slams him against a bone spike.

Hazel: you don't need to fight this war, kid. Tell me what I need and we can be done.

Oscar's eyes glow yellow momentarily, revealing that Ozpin has taken control.

Ozpin: hello Hazel.

Hazel: (angered) coward! All this time, it could have been you, but you let him suffer. (Tosses him to the floor) now tell us how this damned Lamp works. The boy has suffered enough.

Ozpin: (stands up) why do you follow her?

Hazel walks over and kicks Ozpin hard enough to knock him down.

Ozpin: I know... (coughs) I know how you see me. But her? Look at what she does. How is she the answer? Why not stop her!?

Hazel stops and looks away. He then walks across the room to a bone spike.

Hazel: Salem can't be stopped. She's a force of nature. I've seen it first hand. But you...

Hazel breaks the tip of the bone spike off and starts walking toward Ozpin, sharpening the spike on the metal plate on the back of his hand.

Hazel: you send children to their deaths for a cause that you know has no victory, no end!

Ozpin: someone has to try! Salem isn't a force of nature because Salem can be fought! Unless she brings the Relics together. If that happens--

Ozpin is interrupted by Salem, who is standing in the doorway.

Salem: Ozma. You have wonderful timing. The show is about to begin.

A short time later, Salem is sitting on her throne with The Hound next to it and Ember in her arms. Lined up kneeling in front of her are Oscar, Hazel, Kira, Merlot, Cinder and Mercury. Kneeling off to the side are Emerald and Neo. Salem stands up and walks over in front of Cinder, before moving to stand in front of Kira.

Salem: we have good news. Kira has heard from our dear colleague Watts. Although he remains in captivity, it seems that he has worked with Ironwood to gain some control over the puppet masquerading as the Winter Maiden. I suppose he remains useful after all.

Kira just smirks as he holds up the scroll with the message from Watts. Salem then turns her attention to Cinder, losing her smile.

Salem: speaking of which... Cinder.

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