Phoenix turned on her heel and stormed out the door, almost ripping the door off its hinges as she yanked it open.

"Where are you going?" I yell after her, eventually following her out of the darkroom.

She storms towards Bill and Charlie's old room where she is staying and shoves the door open. I run towards it before she could close the door on me and barge my way through. I see her picking up the chaps that she wears and opening the pocket.

She angrily throws something at me, it hit my chest hard, like a small bullet. I catch it in my hand and see it to be the ring I gave her when she left. My name engraved on the inside as it sits attached to a long silver chain in my palm.

"I held onto you, Fred!" Phoenix said, she didn't shout but this time her tone was sharp and cold. "I wanted to go back to you so badly! I was numb— empty. I was dropped off at a house, not knowing where I was, or if I would ever come back to my life here! Draco was the only bit of home I had after nearly two years!"

"Phoenix, I—"

"You only lost me, Fred.— You still had George and your family, your new girlfriend. You could go to the shop as yourself and not worry if someone would kill you every time you stepped out the front door— you still had your life!" Her voice began to wobble and she swallowed hard.

"I lost everything."

I see a single tear fall from her eye but she quickly swiped it away, still holding her burning stare, boring her scolding red eyes into me.

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't move or speak, my words caught in my throat, so I just stood there, staring at her. Phoenix's eyes were red, but I could tell she was broken.

"Phoenix—" I take a step towards her, but she moved away. She disconnected our stare and looked away, her lip curling up into a snarl.

"Get out." She whispered. Another tear falls down her face and once again she swiped it away harshly as if she didn't want me to see her crying.

I walk out the door, still holding the ring in my hand, leaving her alone in the room.

☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾

Phoenix Grey POV

Even when Fred left out the door, I was still holding back the tears that threatened to leave my eyes, I wasn't upset over him, I was angry. I run a frustrated hand through my hair as I paced the room. I wanted to lash out, my blood was burning and I was almost ready to explode.

I could feel my magic brewing in my veins, so I closed my fists to encase it. I look down at my closed fists and see the glow of my veins moving down into my palm, the white light breaking free through the cracks of my fingers.

I had to calm myself, so I took a deep breath and let it go in one steady exhale. Again and again, I sucked in a breath and let it go slowly until Draco came through the bedroom door. His blue eyes met my red ones, he walked over to me and pulled me into his chest, not uttering a word.

I inhale his scent, the gorgeous scent of Draco. Listening to his steady heart as it beats against my ear. He was warm, making me realise how cold I was from still being in my bikini.

"Go shower, and then come downstairs— dinner is almost ready." Draco finally spoke before planting a kiss in my hair and turning away to walk out the door again.

"Draco—" I called out before he could walk out the door fully. He turns back and meets my eyes again, quirking a brow.

"I never thanked you—"

He let out a low laugh. "For what?"

"For everything— you were the last person I expected to come to me that night in the pub, but you've built me up from ruins and pieced me back together, I'm in debt to you."

Draco took in my words and remained silent for a moment before his lips quirked into a small smile.

"You owe me nothing, Grey. You just breathing is enough for me."

☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾

After a long and much-needed shower, I cast the drying spell on myself and my hair and throw on a pair of joggers and a loose fitting cropped tee. Making my way down the stairs, everyone is at the dinner table, chatting over what looked like Molly's shepherds pie.

I see Fred on the end of the long table, pushing his food about on the plate, not meeting eyes with me when I walk towards the table to seat myself next to Ginny and Hermione.

"Oh. Phoenix dear! I forgot to tell you!" Molly bellowed out while handing me a plate. "My son Bill and his fiancé Fleur are getting married next week, the ceremony will be here along with the reception. It would be lovely to have you and Draco there with our family!"

I blink up at Molly as she beams at me, while everyone at the table turns their gazes towards me.

"I— um— I wouldn't want to intrude." I stutter. I felt completely unprepared for a wedding, I had nothing to wear, no fancy clothes or shoes.

"Oh shut up Phoenix, you won't be intruding, you're a part of the family," Ginny said while nudging me in the ribs. "Draco can be your date." She leaned in to whisper that part in my ear.

"I don't have anything to wear—"

"I can sort that out," Draco said while lifting his glass to his lips giving me a wink while sipping his water. I roll my eyes at him and shake my head before turning back to Molly.

"I would be honoured to be there Molly, thank you for the invite," I say, smiling sweetly at her. She claps her hands together and toddles off into the kitchen again.

A wedding— right now a wedding was the last thing on my mind. 

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