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 *One year later*

Kacey's pov:

I walked out of college, shivering due to England's crap weather, and waited for Max to pick me up. I'd told him that I didn't mind catching the bus but he insisted on taking me to college and back home- it was pretty gentlemanly of him though. I'm glad I'd had such a positive on the school's 'badboy'

A few minutes later, Max arrived, his black car pulling up. 

"Hey," I spoke in a cheery voice as I sat in the passenger seat.

"Hey, how was your day?" Max asked me, taking my hand in his, bringing it up to his mouth and kissing it, gently, sending a tingling feeling through my arms.

"God, you're such a gentleman," I rolled my eyes but I smiled had formed on my face.

"But you like it, right?"

"Yeah," I admitted, earning a smirk from Max.

"Well, we'll see how much of a gentleman I am tonight," Max winked, as I slapped his arm and told him,

"And you killed the moment," I tried to look a little upset but he could see right through me.

"Excuse me, moment? What moment?"

"Ugh, Max stop playing stupid, silly," I kissed him on the cheek.

"You still haven't answered my question," 

"Oh, college was the same as always," I sighed thinking about all the essays I have to write within this week.

"That bad, huh?"

"Not really, I just get loaded with assignments to do within this week," Max placed his hand on my shoulder, instantly comforting me.

"You'll be okay, I'll help," Max was so sweet these days, I love him.

"You've got your own music to be getting on with, I'd hate to be a distraction holding you back,"

"Hey! I've always got time for you, you're my number one priority, I'll manage with my music but you're my girlfriend, Kacey, it's my responsibility to help you, to care for you, to love you," he gulped, "I love you," I was stunned- man. Max had changed- for the better- and I was super grateful to be his girlfriend.

"I love you too, Max," I looked into his eyes, then kissed him, placing my lips, softly, upon his. My hand played with his hair, the other on his shoulder. One of his hands were running their fingers through my hair, the other trailing up and down my back. I slipped my tongue into his mouth: him enjoying every second of it. I tugged his hair and a moan escaped his lips, causing me to smile against his mouth.

He tasted like Bacon, I knew he'd ate some bacon bits whilst we were kissing but I loved the taste.

Once we pulled away, Max put his hands on the steering wheel and sighed, "God, Kacey, you drive me insane,"

I let a grin appear on my face and placed my hand on his, I turned to face him and looked him straight in the eye, "I love you."

Max smiled and tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear. I felt his breath on my skin, causing me to feel a little giddy.

"I love you," he whispered. 

*Later on*

I sat in bed, typing up an essay, finding it surprisingly easy- apart from the conclusion. They were my least favourite part of essays, I never knew what to write or how to. 

I groaned in frustration, slamming my hands on the keyboard, a quick "Ow," escaping my mouth.

Max, who was laid next to me, sat up and asked me, "What bit are you stuck on? I'll help."

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