Chapter 12

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Kacey's pov:

I was in my English class, sat next to Chelsea and Harvey, just daydreaming, 

"Hey," Chelsea nudged me.

"What?" I asked her.

"What were you thinking about?"


"Sorry, I meant who were you thinking about?"

"Haha, very funny,"

"No but seriously who?"


"No tell us who lives in your dreams," Harvey said, obviously eavesdropping on our conversation.

"What the heck, I'm not thinking about no-one!"

"Yeah right," Chelsea said.

"Who's your Romeo?" Harvey asked with a sly smirk on his face. 

"Who says I'm Julliet?" 

"You really don't pay attention in class do you?"

"You're not exactly listening right now, are you?"

"At least I know what we're doing?"

"What do we have to do?"

"We have to do a Romeo and Julliet role play in pairs for scene 6,"


"We have to work together, unless you want to be with Max,"

"What the heck Harvey, why bring Max into this?"

"It's obvious you like him,"

"I don't like Max,"

"Yeah you do," Chelsea butted in.

"If you don't like him then why do you two-" I quickly put my hand over his mouth to stop him from saying the rest. 

"Don't say it in class,"

"Why not?"

"Because someone will hear,"

"Oh, you mean his girlfriend," He pointed at Max's girlfriend who was suprisingly working with Max.

"I promised Max I wouldn't let her find out,"

"You're weird,"

"Thank you for being so nice,"

"No but seriously, one minute you act nice but the next you're not,"

"He's got a point," Chelsea said. "I knew Max would be a bad influence on you,"

"Yeah, yeah because Max is the world's worst person," I sarcastically replied, making them both be quiet. 

After me and Harvey practiced scene 6 of Romeo and Julliet, the bell rang signalling lunchtime, 

"Tomorrow, you have to perform in front the class, so I suggest you rehearse tonight students," our teacher told us. "Come to mine at 4pm," Harvey said.

"Okay," I told him and went to the canteen.


A filler chapter, I've never read Romeo and Julliet so idek if there's scenes or whatever, enjoy.

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