"Aiden!" Elijah yelped, quickly shutting his eyes and mouth as he was lifted into a pair of arms and dunked back into the water. When he was brought back up, he quickly wiped the water from his face before smacking the male's chest.

"Oopsie." Aiden smirked down at him as he cradled him to his chest.
"I am so sorry, my lovely little pet. Maybe next time you shouldn't try to drown your master." His words were playful, taunting before he dunked Elijah back into the water. This time when he brought him up, he pressed his lips to his causing Elijah to release a soft moan.

"Sorry." He breathed, relaxing in Aiden's arms once he was sure the male would not dunk him once more. He received a soft chuckle in response as he allowed his head to dip back, his hair flowing through the water. He relaxed, thankful for the hands that suported his back and allowed him to completely relax.

"Are you comfy, my love." Aiden murmured as he watched him. Little blue eyes peeked up out him before they closed and a nod was given. He chuckled softly at that before he tugged the male so he was standing up properly.


They spent most of the day at the beach, only leaving once it was getting late and they were ready to eat. Thankfully Aiden had done a good job of keeping Elijah's skin covered with sunscreen so he did not burn.
"I can't believe he fell asleep on you." Blair commented causing Aiden to roll his eyes as he carried Elijah from the beach to the car.

"I don't think he has gotten to have fun like this in a long time. I intend to wake him up once we make it back to the hotel. You said you wanted to drink tonight, didn't you?" He tilted his head causing Blair to grin, nodding.

"Yeah, I brought some cards so we can play some drinking games. You know, have some fun." He responded.

"Are you up for it?" Aiden turned his gaze to Wes and Luke who both nodded their agreement. It was not too often that they all had the time to enjoy each other's company as normal friends. Typically it involved business or something else. So they did their best to enjoy themselves when they were able to lighten up and fully enjoy themselves.
"Alright, I can order some food and pick it up for at the hotel. One of yall wanna ride and pick up some alcohol?"

"Sounds good." They agreed with ease as he loaded Elijah into the car. He buckled the male, placing a light kiss to his cheek before he got in. On his way to the hotel, he stopped to pick up the food. He knew the others were not overly picky so long as the food was decent so he ordered a variety before returning to his hotel room. He laid Elijah on the bed before grabbing the small table that was folded into the closet, setting it up before he spread the food out. He hummed in satisfaction before moving to his bed, crouching at the edge and admiring the sleeping boy before him.

"Elijah, would you like to wake up and eat?" He murmured, his hand coming out to brush the male's hair from his face. He smiled softly as the familiar blue eyes fluttered open, blinking a few times before staring at him.

"What time is it?" He mumbled as he scooted closer to him before burying his face into the covers.

"It's only about six but you fell asleep at the beach so I wanted to let you take a nap. The others are going to come join us for some games and a little bit of drinking. Is that okay with you?" Naturally, Elijah nodded in agreement as he pressed his face close to Aiden's so their noses were touching.
"Your swimsuit dried out in the sun thankfully." He chuckled softly. It was the only reason he had not had to wake the male immediately.

"Hmhm." He smiled softly as he noticed the male was still tired, running his fingers through his hair.

"Did you have fun today, Elijah?" He questioned receiving a quick nod and a wide smile.

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