Chap. 1

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"Hadie!!! Get out of the bathroom!! You've been in there twenty minutes!" My little sister, Isabel, whined outdside the bathroom door. She just doesn't understand. It takes time to look this good!

I stared into the mirror, carefully eyelining my eyelids in a shimmery black. I had to do this right. The girls just loved to see my make-up. They praise my cool color coordination. And I lived to please, baby.

I really was beautiful. Shiny, blue eyes. The girls just loved them. I have no idea why, though. I was a girl, so I never understood the real fuss about my wearing girly clothes and all. Isn't that part of being a girl? I pierced my lips, tracing lip balm, then shimmer on them before leaving the bathroom.

I donned a red flare skirt paired with black tights, a matching red tank under an all black vest half top. I fixed the hot red spice girls three inch heels on my painted pedicured feet and flounced out the door of my bedroom, sashaying my hips as I went.

I strolled into the kitchen, a happy bounce lightening my step.

"Mommy-doll!" I sang, my naturally high-pitched voice caring the tune of my loving nickname for my mom.

She smiled, used to my singing at her.

"Yes, daughter?" She said, raising one eyebrow at me. I stared in envy at her ability. I could only lift an eyebrow like that when I was mad. Darn it!! Why can't I do that on command? She does that just to flaunt the ability, I just know it! My mother is just mean like that.

I blinked, " Mother-doll, you have a lovely glow today," I said, raising my eyebrows( Darn it!!) suggestively and grinned at her," Anything you want to tell me about?"

She blushed. Oh! I knew it! She did get some last night, she went with that gluton trainer she'd been eyeing a few days ago.

She waved an embarrassed hand at me," I plead the fifth. And don't you need to be somewhere?" She ask, doing the one eyebrow thing again. God I hated when she did that! Wait just a minute! A place? Starts with an 's' just can't remember what. Hmmm.

"School, maybe?" Still doing the eyebrow. Ooh, that sounded dirty.

Right on cue, a familiar blaring horn jared my memory. School! The first day of school! I rushed to give my mom a kiss on both cheeks, and I rushed out the door, yelling a bye to Isabelle.

Hurrying out the door, I headed down the driveway to my bestie's cute little Beetle Bug. Her wavy blue, yes I said blue, curls hung out the window as she waved at me with a displeased look on her face. From experience, this look said she did not appreciate having to blare her horn to catch my attention.

I slid into the car and kissed her on both cheeks.

"Hi sweetie!" I said, winking at her, trying to diffuse her anger. Obviously it didn't work.

" Hadie darling, why did I have to blare my beautiful baby's horn to get your attention?" She nodded her head at me, all diva like. I'm surprised she didn't work her fingers, too.

" Darling, its simply because my attention is very expensive to come by. So if you have it, other people will cry from the loss. So you see, it takes time to look this good." I finished, getting way off topic in one go.

She blinked at me. I blinked back.

"Are you serious?" She finally asked me, her emerald green eyes super serious.

"Yes. Absolutely." I answered just as serious. She waited a few seconds.

"Okay then." She said smartly, turned in her seat and started the engine. She drove the car down the road and I couldn't hold it in any longer. I burst out laughing and she joined me easily. Jade really was stupid. In a good way, though. I'd never talk bad about my girl. Nuh-uh, never.

" So, how have you been this past summer, sweetheart?" I innocently asked, knowing she had been on a cruise to Barbados with her family, since she'd told me when they'd began toying with the idea.

" Also, are you still talking to that hottie from the spa?" I raised my eyebrows at her, lowering my voice in secrecy. My Jade was a bonafide hottie.

Glittering, sassy green eyes. Her hair was normally a bright, happy caramel color she said was a puke brown, but today she turned it blue. Not that I disliked it, it coincided nicely with her eyes. But, if she dyed it that color, we were going to exchange words cause I loved her brown hair, it wad a truly lovely color, so for her to destroy it like that was treason in my book.

On that note, I turned to Jade and said," Jade, darling, you better explain your hair situation to me right now, or we are seriously gonna pass words." I widened my eyes and stared to show how earnest I saw this.

"Uh." She said at me. And realizing we were at school, she jumped out of the car. " Well, will you look at that? We're at school, see you."

She left in a hurry, leaving me to frown after her. I smacked my lips and slid out the car, grabbing her keys as I went as well as my clutch purse. Jade, you little weasel, just wait. As soon as I catch her, I am so gonna grill her for info on that hair of hers. Also, she didn't answer my question about that hotti spa man. This is definitely deserved more investigation. I nodded, then catching sight of a very scrumptious but I, of course, stopped to gawk.

Totally yummy! I licked my lips. Someone has definitely been working those butt muscles.

I want it!! I reached out as if to grab it when someone tapped me on the shoulder.


Alrighty!! A full chapt for you!! Is this one as good as my prologue or worse. Tell me!!!

Girly Boys {boyxboy}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora