Solo (IwaOi)

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Oikawa and Iwaizumi have been dating for the entirety of their high school life, and on their graduation day, they decided to break up as they go solo and take separate paths to chase their dreams.

"We'll leave it to fate then?" Oikawa asks with a chuckle. They're currently sitting on a swing at a park near their house.

"I guess," Iwaizumi answers with a shrug, "if we're both single when we meet during the Olympics, then that only means one thing,"

"Alright," Oikawa says and stands up, "I guess this means we've break-up officially as a couple, and our relationship as setter and spiker is broken. I'm hurt, Iwa-chan," he jokes and pouts.

Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and stands up. He wraps his arms around Oikawa's shoulder and ruffles his hair, "You're still my spiker, and I better be your number one spiker regardless of who you meet in Argentina,"

Oikawa laughs and hugs Iwaizumi's waist as he says, "you're always going to be my spiker, and I'll always be your setter. Even if our love for each other fades as time passes by, that's one thing that'll never change," he whispers and takes a step back to stand next to Iwaizumi and hold his hand.

"You're right," Iwaizumi agrees and lets Oikawa's fingers fill the gap between his. 

"You'll see me off tomorrow, right?" Oikawa asks. Iwaizumi turns to him and nods, "of course, I will. I'm afraid you'll be a brat and refuse to leave if I don't,"

Oikawa releases an exaggerated gasp, "you're not that important to me anymore that we've broken up, Iwa-chan," he says and pouts with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

Iwaizumi laughs and pokes at Oikawa's side, "so your best friend isn't that important, huh, Tooru?"

Oikawa turns to Iwaizumi and pulls him into a tight hug, "that was a joke, Iwa-chan, don't cry,"

Iwaizumi gently pushes Oikawa and says, "Why would I?" before they both burst out laughing.

They remained in comfortable silence after and just stood next to each other while watching the stars, both of them savoring their last night together before they part.

"What now?" Oikawa asks when countless minutes have passed between them.

Iwaizumi turns to Oikawa and holds his hand, "have fun in Argentina. Date and fuck around with who you want but don't do anything stupid. Make sure you eat your meals and don't stress yourself too much" he says without looking at Oikawa.

"You have glassy eyes, Iwa-chan," Oikawa teases after throwing Iwaizumi a side glance, "you really are like my mom,"

"Just shut up and don't ruin the moment," Iwaizumi says and wipes his tears, "I'll miss you,"

"I'll miss you too," Oikawa says and tightens his grip on Iwaizum's hand, "You should have fun in California too. Eat as much food as you want, visit clubs and make lots of friends, date and fuck around too. Just be happy while in Cali,"

Iwaizumi nods, "I will, so you better be happy in Argentina too,"

"I will," Oikawa answers. They both remain silent for a minute before they decide to walk home with their hands tightly intertwined with each other.

The next day arrives, and Iwaizumi accompanies Oikawa to the airport. They were both silent. Neither of them was saying anything because all of their sentiments were said the night before.

"Hey, Iwa-chan," Oikawa calls out while fidgeting with Iwaizumi's fingers as they wait for his flight to be called.

"What is it?" Iwaizumi asks and turns to Oikawa, who kept his eyes on Iwaizumi's hand.

"I know we mutually decided to break up, but can I have a goodbye kiss?" Oikawa asks and turns to Iwaizumi with his signature puppy eyes.

Iwaizumi laughs and gently guides Oikawa to lean on his so he could press a kiss on Oikawa's head, "how can I say no?"

Oikawa smiles, "thank you, Hajime," he says before they both fall into comfortable silence once more.

Oikawa's flight was already called, and they both stand up. Oikawa turns to Iwaizumi, and the latter opens his arms, saying, "come and get your goodbye kiss,"

Oikawa chuckles and walks into Iwaizumi's arms. He's met with a warm hug and a gentle kiss from Iwaizumi. They shared a kiss similar to the ones they share under a tree during warm Saturday, one that's slow and filled with love.

"I have to go. See you, Hajime," Oikawa bids goodbye when his flight is called a second time.

Iwaizumi smiles at him and nods, "take care, Tooru,"

"You too," Oikawa says and leaves Iwaizumi to watch his back walk away.

Years passed, and they both had their fair share of dates, hookups, fucking, and hardships. During those times, they kept in touch and made sure to call each other. They would talk about their day, the friends they met, the people they dated, and the struggles they've had.

Though they were kilometers away from each other, they were still close. Their days always started with morning messages from each other and ended with late-night calls. They kept this kind of relationship until the day they meet finally arrived.

Olympics was just around the corner, and they promised not to meet each other before that. Oikawa had arrived in Japan a day before the game, and unlike the days they shared before, this day didn't start with a good morning, nor did it end with a good night from Iwaizumi.

They both held back from talking to each other, and when they finally met on the court, they smiled at each other. 

The game proceeded with both of them focusing on the game, and when it ended, they met in the middle and asked each other one question, "are you still single?" they asked in unison, making them burst out laughing.

"Since we both ask, that only means one thing," Oikawa says, and Iwaizumi nods, "we're single,"

"Does this mean we get to continue our postponed high school love story?" Oikawa teases.

Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "only if you're up for it,"

Oikawa takes a step closer to Iwaizumi and whispers in his ear, "I still am,"

Iwaizumi laughs and wraps his arms around Oikawa, "then that means neither of us are going solo from now on,"

"Yeah, we'll be a powerful duo," Oikawa says and wraps his arms around Iwaizumi as they look forward to their future together.


Inspired by the song Solo by Jay Park feat. Hoody.

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