A Birthday Surprise

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Today is a good day. Sakusa aced his exams, his annoying classmate didn't attend class, he did well during his recitation, and his family gave him gifts. Now, he's on his way to a party his friends organized for him.

The day almost feels perfect. Almost, being the word because he didn't get to start his day waking up to Atsumu beside him. Sakusa didn't want to dwell on it since he'll probably see Atsumu at the party, but his hopes disappeared when he received a message from Atsumu.

From: Atsumu

I'm sorry I won't be able to attend the party. I got held up by the coach.

A frown appears on Sakusa's face as he replies.

To: Atsumu

It's fine. But come home early. I want to see you before I sleep.

Sakusa kept his phone in his pocket before heading to Onigiri Miya. He's thankful Osamu offered his restaurant for the party since it lessened everyone's expenses.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone greets the moment Sakusa steps into the restaurant. Sakusa gives them a small smile and says, "thank you,"

"Now that you're here, it's time for the fun to begin!" Motoya yells. Everyone cheered and began to take their seats. Sakusa sat next to Motoya and immediately reached for the sake in the middle of the table. He poured himself a drink and downed it in one go.

"I didn't know you were a strong drinker," Suna comments as he slowly sips his sake, "did something happen between you and Atsumu,"

Sakusa licks his tongue and shakes his head, "no, nothing happened," he downs another shot and eats an otsumami. Suna's lips form into a grin before saying, "the look on your face doesn't seem convincing,"

Sakusa sighs, "it's nothing," Suna raises a brow and shrugs, saying, "if you say so,"

The night continues with chattering and drinking. Though everyone's having fun, Sakusa couldn't help but glance at the door, hoping Atsumu could make it. But it's already the middle of the night, and Atsumu still didn't show up.

"Why do you keep glancing at the door?" Osamu asks with his eyes focused on the tempura. Sakusa taps his finger on the table, contemplating if he should tell Osamu what's bothering him.

"Is it about Atsumu?" Osamu asks and looks up at Sakusa.

Sakusa combs his hair with his fingers and nods, "yeah,"

Osamu nods and prompts Sakusa to go on.

"It's bothering me that I haven't seen Atsumu today. I woke up in the morning, and he wasn't there anymore. But he did make me breakfast and left a note greeting me happy birthday. He said he needed to go training early. I didn't mind. I was hoping he'd be here, but he said he got held up. I understand but..." Sakusa cuts himself off because it sounds like he's being so selfish and needy. He presses his lips together and lowers his head in embarrassment, saying, "forget it,"

After speaking, Sakusa noticed that their table was quiet. He raises his head and looks around. His friends had their eyes on him, so he raised his eyebrow, "don't tell me all of you were listening?"

Motoya averted his gaze when Sakusa glared at him.

"Don't be embarrassed. Relationship talk is normal," Suna says and looks at Osamu, "right?"

Osamu silently stared at Suna but immediately nodded when Suna elbowed his ribs, "right. Rin is right. It's normal,"

Suna smiles and says, "see?"

Sakusa rolls his eyes and downs his beer, mumbling, "whatever,"

"Anyway, don't worry about Atsumu. He told me to take care of you while he isn't here," Osamu says and sighs, "I can't believe that asshole turned me into a babysitter,"

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