Under the Summer Heat (IwaOi)

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Iwaizumi and Oikawa are currently walking on the familiar path they've taken countless times that lead to Oikawa's home after a morning volleyball practice with Matsukawa and Hanamakki. It was the first day of summer, and they were supposed to be home, resting, but the up-coming third years wanted to make the most of their last year in Seijoh by playing volleyball in the school gym whenever they can. The heat from the sun was making their skin burn, and the steaming heat from the concrete road they were walking on was making things worse. Droplets of sweat were falling from Oikawa's fringes, dampening his hair and making it stick to his forehead while the sweat that came from Iwaizumi's head trickled from his hair roots down to the side of his face and neck until it's absorbed by his shirt.

Oikawa was groaning and whining as they walk under the summer heat. Any breeze that would pass by was a blessing, even though it rarely came. That's why the distance between them was a need. But Oikawa's desire to annoy Iwaizumi made him disregard the scorching heat.

Oikawa could see the evident wrinkle on Iwaizumi's forehead caused by his eyebrows that were knitted together. The irritation on Iwaizumi's face was obvious, and Oikawa decided to make his best friend's suffering worse by throwing his upper body over Iwaizumi's broad shoulders.

"It's so hot, Iwa-chan," Oikawa complained while his body was draped over Iwaizumi's back. Their skin burning against each other, sweat making them stick together, while their clothes absorbed the mixture of sweat that seeped through the fabric of their school's P.E. shirt.

"Then get off me, Shittykawa!" Iwaizumi yelled and pushed his shoulder back to make Oikawa move. Still, the latter just wrapped his arms around Iwaizumi's waist and pulled him closer, nuzzling his face into Iwaizumi's sweaty neck.

"No," Oikawa whispered while Iwaizumi flailed around to get Oikawa's arms off him. It must be the heat, but Oikawa could feel how Iwaizumi seemed to have lost some strength. The thought made him smile mischievously before tightening his grip on Iwaizumi, not minding the blazing heat that showered them.

Iwaizumi could feel his body getting hotter the more he moves, and it's making him feel weak and sluggish. Iwaizumi hated that Oikawa decided to latch onto him to make them suffer even more under the sun's heat. All Iwaizumi wanted was a drink of cold lemonade and a quick shower to cool himself down, but Oikawa made it harder to attain those when he's slowing them down with his antics.

"If you don't let go, I'm gonna burn all your alien collections when we reach your house," Iwaizumi threatened. He was too weak and tired from the game and heat that he wasn't willing to put more effort into prying Oikawa off him, especially if it meant making himself feel hotter.

"Oh, Iwa-chan, don't," Oikawa said and quickly retracted his arms. Iwaizumi could feel the slight breeze that hit his back, bringing him a sense of relief offered by the slightly cold summer breeze.

"Stop being so clingy then, Crappykawa," Iwaizumi said sternly as he started to walk ahead. Oikawa stayed behind, head lowered to hide the chuckle brought by his successful attempt at annoying Iwaizumi. After a minute of chuckling to himself, Oikawa heard Iwaizumi call for his name. He raised his head and was dumbfounded by the sight in front of him.

Right there, standing five feet away from him, was his best friend. It was just Iwaizumi, the boy he'd spent his entire life with, the boy whose face he saw 365 days a year, the boy he'd share his secrets and insecurities with, but most of all, the boy who stayed and became his pillar when he was about to crumble and fall. Even though the person in front of him was someone he only saw as his best friend, under the blinding bright light of the sun, Iwaizumi looked different. It wasn't the Iwaizumi he shared his life with, but an Iwaizumi that made his heart beat erratically.

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