Mistletoe (IwaOi)

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It was the cold month of December, and tiny snowflakes were falling from the sky, gathering on the ground and creating a white blanket of snow that covered the gray concrete of the Miyagi's empty streets.

It had been a tradition for the Oikawas to celebrate Christmas at the Iwaizumi household while the Iwaizumis would celebrate New Year at the Oikawas residence.

So, there they were, gathered in the living room. The living room was filled with boisterous laughter and loud singing as both families wait for the clock to strike twelve.

Oikawa turned to Iwaizumi, who had a serious expression on his face. His index finger tapping against the armrest of the sofa. Oikawa nudged him and showed him a toothy smile as he asks, "What's with that expression?"

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and ignored Oikawa's question. His eyes shifted to the clock that had now struck twelve. It was officially December 25th, and that means it's time to open the gifts.

Everyone gathered around the Christmas tree where gifts were given and opened. Oikawa received alien plushies from his parents and alien pajamas from Iwaizumi's parents, while Iwaizumi received a Godzilla figurine from Oikawa's parents and a Godzilla hoodie from his parents.

They both said their thanks, and it was now time for them to give each other their gifts. Their parents moved out of the living room and proceeded to their bedrooms to give them time to themselves. It became an unwritten rule that Oikawa and Iwaizumi would be left alone to share their gifts with each other after Oikawa begged for privacy when they were eight so he could give Iwaizumi a handwritten letter.

Oikawa held a small box wrapped in a white parchment with small doodles of Godzilla and Iwaizumi's face scattered on it. Oikawa had an excited grin on his face as he gives Iwaizumi his present.

"I thought hard about this, Iwa-chan," He said and handed Iwaizumi his gift. The latter raised an eyebrow and shook the box to hear what sound it would make.

"Iwa-chan, don't shake it!" Oikawa whined and reached out to take Iwaizumi's gift away from him, but Iwaizumi stretched his arms to the side to keep Oikawa from grabbing it.

"You already gave it to me. There are no takebacks," Iwaizumi said and decided to open the gift before Oikawa suddenly reaches out and take it away from him.

Oikawa chewed on his bottom lip as he awaits what Iwaizumi's reaction would be.

Iwaizumi opened the box without care and was stunned when he saw a collage of their photos from when they were babies until they were third years in Seijoh. He turned towards Oikawa with an unreadable expression, making the brunette's stomach churn in anxiety.

"If you don't like it, it's fine. I have a back-up gift. I just thought maybe you'd want to hang it in your college dorm," Oikawa said after a full minute had passed of Iwaizumi just staring at him. He frantically stood up to quickly walk to where his duffle bag was, but Iwaizumi stopped him by curling his fingers around Oikawa's wrist.

"I like it," Iwaizumi said with a faint blush dusting his cheeks. Oikawa's mouth fell agape as he processes the words that moved past Iwaizumi's lips.

"If you liked it, then don't just stare at me. Say it! God, I felt my heart drop when you didn't say anything," Oikawa scolded before sitting down beside Iwaizumi.

"I was just surprised, okay? Give me time to react," Iwaizumi retorted after a scoff. Oikawa stuck his tongue out and crossed his arm in front of his chest, eyebrow raised as he waits for Iwaizumi's gift.

"Follow me," Iwaizumi said and stretched his arms to grab Oikawa's wrist. The brunette stood up when he pulled and asked, "Where?"

Iwaizumi didn't answer. He continued to guide Oikawa into his room. On his bed was a small red box with a green ribbon resting on top of it. Oikawa furrowed his eyebrows and waited for Iwaizumi, who was closing the door behind him.

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