Morning Coffee (DaiSuga)

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Daichi and Suga's jobs always requires them to leave early in the morning and the only way for them to spend even the shortest amount of time together was having morning coffee. Daichi always left earlier because he was in charge of morning patrol while Suga went to school a little later. They were used to it, but Suga didn't expect Daichi's work to take away the short hours he could spend with his boyfriend.

Suga was sitting on the table alone at six in the morning, and it's usually the time he spends with Daichi.

Suga couldn't help but glance at the sunrise through their balcony with a frown on his face as he wishes Daichi was with him. He's been having morning coffee alone for the past week and as much as he didn't want to sulk about it, he couldn't help it. He missed Daichi and all he wanted was to spend his morning with him.

Suga sighed and stood up to wash his mug. He told Daichi to wake him up earlier but his boyfriend would always say that he didn't want to ruin his sleep.

"Stupid, Sawamura," Suga mumbled as he keeps the mug and prepares his breakfast. "Couldn't he understand that I'm fine losing sleep for him?"

Suga was bitterly cooking in the kitchen, mumbling a few words as he flips eggs and bacons that he didn't notice their door slowly open.

"So, I was right, you do curse me when I leave early without waking you up," Daichi whispered in Suga's ear as he wraps an around his waist.

Suga jolted in surprise and turned to look at his boyfriend, who had a teasing smile on his face. Suga blinked before hitting his boyfriend's chest with the wooden turner in his hand.

"Don't do that! God, it felt like my heart was gonna jump out of my chest," Suga said after exhaling while Daichi just laughed at him.

"I'm sorry for startling you," Daichi whispered and planted a chaste kiss on Suga's lips before pulling him into a tight hug as he turns off the stove.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Suga asked and lets his head rest against Daichi's chest, his ears listening to the soft beating of Daichi's heart as he relaxes against his boyfriend's embrace.

"I'm already done with morning patrol. Do you remember the rotation I told you about?" Daichi asked, and Suga answered with a hum and a nod.

"Well, I got rotated to afternoon patrol so that means we can have more time for our morning coffees," Daichi explained. Suga raised his head, his eyes sparkling as he looks up at Daichi. The police officer chuckled at the way his boyfriend looked at him before ruffling Suga's hair.

"So, does that mean you're done cursing me in the morning?" Daichi asked, Suga crossed his arms and pouted as he looks away with faux sulking.

"No," Suga said, not really meaning it. He took a glance at Daichi when he started laughing.

"I guess I'll have to make it up to you," Daichi whispered as he nuzzles his face into Suga's neck after pulling him into a hug.

"Indeed, you do," Suga said and laughed when Daichi started tickling him.

They spent a good amount of teasing before taking the donuts Daichi bought earlier, along with the eggs and bacons Suga cooked, and cuddled on the couch to eat while watching cartoons.

Suga was comfortable in Daichi's embrace when his alarm to take a bath started. Suga groaned and stood up to turn off his phone. It's a tradition for them to set up alarms for things they needed to do because most of the time they'd get carried away and get late for work.

"I need to bathe," Suga said and stood up with a pout.

"Alright, I'll clean this up," Daichi said and stood up to plant a soft kiss on Suga's head.

Suga whined and said, "but I wanted to spend more time with you before work,"

"I'll drop by your school after doing patrol, does that make you feel better?" Daichi asked and Suga answered with a nod.

They proceeded to prepare themselves for work and Daichi offered to drop Suga off at the school he's working at before going to his.

"I could get used to this," Suga whispered with a content smile on his face before turning to Daichi.

"Then let's do it everyday," Daichi said as he turns at one of the curbs. Suga beamed and turned to Daichi with an excited smile.

"Really? Are you sure?" Suga asked with gleaming eyes. Daichi chuckled and nodded his head as he parks his car in front of Suga's school.

"Yeah, anything for you," Daichi said as he takes Suga's hand and plants a kiss on it. " Now get to class, your students are waiting for you,"

Suga frowned and said, "way to ruin the moment,"

Daichi just laughed and planted a kiss on Suga's head as he says, "don't pout, I'll pick you up after your classes later,"

Suga beamed once again and planted a kiss on Daichi's cheek before waving him goodbye as he enters the school gates while Daichi waved back and drove off to start his work as well.

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