It was too the point my arms were slightly shaking, for two reasons, how tight I as holding her waist, and two it was cold "I'm sure I've told you before but... I HAVE ANGER ISSUES! Ugh... I'm not proud of it either, but I really have a temper issue- as I've said before I've sincerely been trying to seek help for it, now since we have Lotusia with us" Ms. Katelyn rubs my head with the none snowball hand "But... I can't seem to calm down" I cuddle into her warm side as she drops her snow ball to the ground "Hmm, heh. Katelyn, you, me and Lotusia will get through it. Today is going to be a day all about relaxing. You aren't going to get mad about anything, we're literally going to cool off with some chill games and winter activities, heh?" Then she began laughing, I didn't understand why she was doing that, it confused me "F-Fine... you know what. Let's give it a shot, even though your horrible puns there made me want to... smile and confused Lotusia. I'll give it a shot... for you an Lotusia" She turned to me then back to Ms. Aphmau before turning back to me real quick.

Her eyes were kind of wide "Haha, great! This is going to be awesome! I've always wanted someone to do fun snow day activities with. Now, you think I was joking before, but Katelyn, do you want to build a snowman?" Ms. Aphamu ask, slightly gaining Ms. Katelyn's attention from me "...Fine" Ms. Katelyn said in defeat "Okay bye...~ Wait what?!" She got off the ground "Really, really for real?! Like seriously, like, you're for real? You want to build a snowman with me, like actual-" Ms. Aphmau was cut off by Ms. Katelyn "Yes... for real. Let's make this snow man" Ms. Katelyn agreed, Ms. Aphamu finally turned to me and gasps, she picked me up from the ground and held me "Okay, um, wait, wait. We can't just make a snow man, Katelyn, we can't. We have to build up to that. We can't just just go make a snow man, because look, look at us, look" She points at all of us, mostly our clothes "Katelyn, t-those legs! They're just- you- you can't be out her, and Lotusia's already basically shaking, I-I'm cold too. Even- Even my legs are getting cold. But, um, look. We have to build up to that. So, first, let's make some hot chocolate and then we can go shopping for Lotusia, once we're warm, then we can come out here for some winter activities. Okay? Alright?" Ms. Aphmau asks, I nodded still slightly shaking.

I cuddled closer to Ms. Aphmau and the wind blew "Sounds good to me. Let's get Lotusia inside before she freezes to death out here" We all head inside out of the cold, Ms. Aphmau sets me on the couch while heading up stairs for me to wear while we head shopping for me, I never been shopping before, I was always wearing clothes mama made for me or what the evil men gave me, Ms. Aphmau came downstairs with a coat as well as changed, she placed the coat on me and fixed my outfit enough then Ms. Katelyn came down also changed "Okay, let's head out" Ms. Aphmau picked me up and we headed to the garage, she places me in to my booster seat before getting into the passenger seat, I swing my legs as Ms. Katelyn drives, a song was playing on the radio.

Reaching the mall, I stared at the big building, kind of scared. My door opened to reveal Ms. Aphmau, she undid my seat belt and picked me up, we began walking to the big building, I laid my head on Ms. Aphmau's shoulder, we walking in there were people, and many things. I looked around, kind of overwhelmed by this, we walking into a store by the name of Forever 21, I looked around at all the clothes, we went to a certain section "Okay..." She sets me down gently and crouches "now we need to figure out what color goes well with you" she looked "We know purple goes well with you, like me. let's see, maybe red like your hair" I smiled, she smiled back. We looked around, I didn't know anything about this, so I just followed Ms. Aphmau, she picked out something and Ms. Katelyn picked out other. I stopped when I spotted something catches my eye, I looked at Ms. Aphmau before walking over to a stand.

*Aphmau's P.O.V*

Me and Katelyn got done we head to check out, I looked around while we were getting checked out and realized Lotusia wasn't with us, I looked around frantic until Katelyn stopped me "Aphmau..." I looked at her to see she was pointing, I looked to where she was pointing to see Lotusia at a stand looking at something, I ask Katelyn to deal with this, once she agreed I head over to Lotusia, I see she was staring at a clip, I smiled at what type of clip it was, it was a gold metal hair clip and it was shaped as a lotus flower.

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