Chapter 17: Town

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Rose looked out her bedroom window, the castle and town in the distance, it's been around a two full weeks since the ball incident, her mother had decided for Laqueta to study home, realizing that her daughter was being picked on by the Axel, little her mother know that Cullen, Edward, Aryton and Axel used to pick on Laqueta, but the girl would rather not snitch, and so she will keep things to herself.

'I guess I won't have to worry about my interactions with the male leads for a while...' Laqueta chuckled to herself as she finished writing down answers on her school work. She's been doing all her school work like this for the past two weeks, a servant would deliver the work to the teacher and they would give me a grade for how well she did on the work they gave her.

She had time to explore this massive mansion, the dark-haired girl found out about a garden, it contained many flowers, they are absolutely stunning to look at. The girl spent most of the time there, in silence, sometimes getting visited by the eye, but that was rarely nowadays.

Laqueta walks around her manor gardens, maids and butlers watching over her with a keen eye, making sure she doesn't slip and fall. They've recently gotten fond of the new personality of the young lady, she was kind and smart, but she had a sharp tongue, but somehow she still had a special charm towards her.

Laqueta would get rather bored with school work and so she helps the maids out with their jobs, it made the girl feel useful and important... she craved for that feeling in her life. The servants took good care of her for the past few weeks while her parents did their jobs for the kingdom.

+++++Time skip: 1 week+++++

(Laqueta's Pov)

School is rather boring, most of the information that I'm being taught is at the level of a two-year-old. I've made friends with the castle staff, they are very kind towards me, and I am kind towards them. I've gotten some of their names, I've remembered all of them, I am very good with names.

Today they've let me come out of the estate, I'm going to the town with Emma, David and Evangeline, they were the ones who allowed me to go outside, they practically had to beg the others to let me go with them, saying that they would not let any harm come my way. I'm a bit confused on how they got so very attached to me so quickly. I went to my room to change, the maids insisted on helping me, but I just told them to relax a bit. I put on a dress, it was cheap and comfortable to wear, it also would help me blend in with the townsfolk. I stepped outside and there were maids outside my room, waiting at my door.

"Are you sure you wish to go to town? What if someone bumps into you and you fall?" A maid asked, nervousness in her voice, and obvious worry looming around her. I smile, putting my hand on her shoulder, I nod, signifying that I was sure. The maid sighed, she moved opening a way for me to get past my doors, the other maids did the same.

"Make sure you don't stray away from Emma." a butler yelled as I walked outside and into a wooden cart being dragged by two horses. I nod and waved to the staff that went to see me go. As we started to go down to the town, Emma pulled out a fruit and gave it to me, a smile on her face as she gave everyone else the fruit.

David and Emma smiled excitedly and took a bite out of it as soon as Emma handed it to them. I also took a bite out of it soon after, it tasted like honey covered apples, it tasted surprisingly good.

"Woah... This is delicious!" I say, clapping my hands excitedly, a smile on my face.

"Glad you liked it Laqueta." Emma giggled, I allowed all the staff to call me by my name, well they do when my parents aren't around.

"Is the town big?"

"Yes, the buildings are rather large, the town looks like the capital but a bit smaller and closer." David explained, finishing the fruit.

"Dave please don't talk to Laqueta with your mouth full, that's rude behavior." Evangeline scolded her friend. David stuck his tongue out like a child, Evangeline smacks the head of David to make him stop. David looks at Evangeline with a very irritated expression, he looked like he was about to fight someone in an alleyway.

A few more moments go by, Evangeline and David interact like an old married couple while Emma acted like their care taker, and I felt like a close family friend around them, it was awkward but funny to watch. We arrived in the town, it was very lively, people talking with each other, and many shops were open. Emma helped me off the wooden cart, carrying a basket in her arms, Evangeline also carried a basket, I asked for one, they didn't let me have one...

"Why can't I have one." I asked, wanting to feel useful.

"Because, we don't want you to strain your fragile arms." Emma answered, a sweet smile on her face, it reminded me of my old maid...

Emma stayed with me as she told David and Evangeline to buy things from the list and bring it to the cart.

"Alright, what would you like to see?" Emma asked, her sweet smile on her face, a kind loving smile. I look up at her, a soft expression resting on my face, I'll only use the blank dead expression around the Male leads, they've treated me wrong and so I don't have any reason to treat them kindly. I think for a moment, then I realized that I literally have no idea what the game plot besides me dying and the female lead's personality.

"Uh... I don't remember anything about this place."

"Oh that's alright, well from what you used to do, you really enjoyed shopping for really expensive dresses from that designer store" Emma pointed at a store displaying many dresses, all seemed to have the same craftsmanship from my closet. I pull on Emma's arm and nod, indicating that I would like to check it out.

Emma opened the door, it was a very large boutique I see someone working on a dress, they turn around and see me. I can see panic set in their face.

"Ah! Lady Adria... I haven't gotten any orders from you for a while... Erm... I don't have dresses prepared..." they spoke, a nervous sweat rolling down their face. I hide behind Emma, confused.

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