Chapter 10: We arrive.

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Rose's POV

I have not gone to the school for around a week... I have not communicated to any of the male leads during this time, and I thank fate for that.

My new mother and new father always seemed to be working. They both play a crucial part in the kingdom's government and treaties. My mother is part of some council for the royal family and my father works overseas keeping treaties in line. They seemed to have only come home when something happens to me or they have time to stay home, at least I know they weren't avoiding me on purpose.

I've done some messing around with my magic and I've been talking to the weird eye drawing when it appears. The eye told me some crucial information that I wish they told me when I came to this world. I have magic, a magic that they created themselves. It was some type of creation magic, or copy magic. I can make literally anything, I could even make things that are non existent in this world, for once in my years of living, I feel like I have power over something... and it feels nice...

I've been messing about with the creative aspect of the power, mostly creating detailed crystal sculptures, made out of any mineral that I can think of. I made a small sculpture of a town I see in the distance, also the massive castle in the distance, sadly I could only create the front part with, making the town and the castle almost 2d. I do wonder if I'm creating material out of nothing...

I was working on a crystal plant sculpture a sculpture that was made out of Amethyst and a mineral that looked like an Emerald, it's not emerald, but it had the same properties of it. The flower was fragile, and I liked how it made beautiful light colors on the wall with some colors. I spun it around making the light fractals move around my room elegantly. 

I hear a knock at the door, it wasn't a maid, the maids always knocked 3 times with a quick rhythm. I looked at the door and a woman entered with an elegant dress, seeming to be ready for an event.

" Today is the ball sweetie!" the woman chirped as she headed towards me, and behind her were around 5 maids. I set the flower down on the seat while I got up. Before I could greet mother, the maids had rushed over and set me on a stool. They quickly dressed me in the dress the king had gifted me. The dress had flowers around it and many ribbons, some you need to tie manually.

When they finished they sat me down at my vanity at the side of my room and gently yet swiftly did my hair. They took the front of my hair and tied it back loosely. After they did that, a maid entered with the present box and started to take out the accessories and decorating my hair with the beautiful enchanted flowers, they were organic, but they seemed to never die or age. Then the maid took out a pair of heels, it seemed to be made out of Aquamarine. They looked fragile, the maid put the heels onto my feet as the maids finished decorating my hair. I got up and set down my foot testing the durability of the material, it was rather strong, strong enough to hold up a 12-year-old girl. It also seemed to have been enchanted to be stronger than usual.

As I was getting ready my mother headed towards a shelf filled with some gems I had created, those minerals were the test ones, trying to see if there were any repercussions on me creating rare minerals.

"Where'd you get these form sweetie?" the woman asked picking up an enchanted Jade, something that was impossible to forge and also extremely hard to find in nature. The woman looked at the gem with the face of absolute curiosity. I shrugged in response to the question.

"Did your father send it to you?" the woman questioned, I shrug again, not wanting to answer. If I told her that I had a different type of magic from what she remembers, she'll most likely become extremely worried and stay home and most likely avoid her duties on the royal council. My mother could tell that I didn't want to tell her, so she just sighed.

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