Chapter 49

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Mumbling along with the words to the song echoing from the radio, I stand at the kitchen counter. Eyes focusing on the task at hand as I flit around the kitchen. My haven. My place of sanctuary. My safe space. An assortment of vegetables and meat rests on the kitchen counter as I begin to create dinner. Finally, I'm getting back into the swing of it all. I'm beginning to feel comfortable in my own skin and not worrying about my scar. Life is starting to come up for me. It's all working out. The knife clutched in my hand slices through the onions in front of me as I begin to do the food prep for the very much deserved curry I'm making my boyfriend.

Curry. The one dish that Katsuki adores. The dish that is a mixture of aromatic and spice. A dish that my loving boyfriend worships almost but also heavily criticises when it's not done to his expectations. Katsuki is like a connoisseur of curries. He's tried every curry that he can get his hands on and he has made sure to let everyone know which curries are the best and which ones are best to avoid. Spice is always a big thing for him.

Spice also makes him sweat which aids him in his job. The more he sweats, the more nitroglycerin he can produce, the bigger the explosion he has on his hands.

So making Katsuki curry is a huge deal. It's an even bigger deal since it's the first meal I've made for him since our argument. So this has to be perfect! It had to be! I can't let this ruin our relationship, well... I know that sounds dramatic but Katsuki can hold a very big grudge. And he never lets you forget it when you do something wrong. He won't let Denki forget the moment where he electrocuted himself on a plug socket and plunged the dorm into darkness in their third year. He never let Izuku forget the moment where he broke his nose on a child's pram. He also never lets Shoto forget the stupid phrases he says. So this is a very large deal.

To me anyways.

As I allow the chicken to fry and the onions to sweat, I turn toward the mushrooms and begin to dice them. My eyes focusing on making the vegetables as perfect as possible while an assortment of spices stands on the kitchen counter. The whole dish would be homemade, that's how much effort is going into this meal. I am not using anything that came from a packet or a jar. It's all homemade from the curry paste to the flavour itself.

Luckily, Mitsuki had a recipe I could borrow to use as a sort of guide. The blonde woman had her own recipe. It was, according to her, Katsuki's all time favourite meal and he would have this at least once a week. So this is going to be a very huge deal. If I fuck this up, Katsuki will probably never forgive me for it. Especially if this is a childhood favourite of his.

As I begin to add the spices to the chicken, allowing it to marinade and soak up all the flavour, the front door opens. My focus splitting from the food to have a quick glance at the reflection of the bin nearby the door that's in clear shot of the hallway. He's home. My handsome boyfriend is home after a very long long day of work. Catching my attention, I set down the kitchen towel in my hand and walk into the hallway where my lips curl into a smile.

"Welcome home," I tell him, walking over and wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him into a hug. My whole body crashing into relief like a wave against sand as he kisses my forehead and holds me just as close, "How was your day?"

"Stressful. Damn Deku nearly got his head blown off," Katsuki mumbles into my hair while I slide off his jacket and hang it on the coat pegs, "He's so stupid sometimes, it astounds me how brain dead he can actually be,"

"Well, he's very lucky that you're out there watching out for him," I tell him, smiling as he nods and rests his forehead against my own, "Anyone would be lucky to have you as their partner, Katsuki. You're just as caring as everyone else,"

"Mmm, only around you," He huffs softly, his eyes softening as they open up to meet my own, "How was your day? You didn't have any episodes? No panic attacks?"

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