Chapter 41

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Can I pull out of this now?...

Nerves attack my brain cells as I look out of the tinted windows of the limousine Katsuki and I are riding. Knee bounces in place while my foot cannot keep itself still. Hands stay pinned underneath my thighs, forcing myself to try and not show my anxieties as the limo pulls closer and closer toward the venue where the hero gala is being held. Excess saliva is building up on my mouth, forcing me to swallow down more than I need to. God, I'm going to go numb at this rate... I can't even feel my face! Can you feel your ankles? Or your ears? Am I thinking too much?

This is the first time that Katsuki and I will be out in public together for a public event like a gala. It's the first time I'm facing paparazzi and crazy fans. So much is riding on this. There will be cameras and interviewers wanting to know all the hot gossip that's going on my in my boyfriends love life. People will be shouting my boyfriends name and begging him for autographs as we walk into the venue. Not only that but it's also the first time I will be out for the media to pounce on. Why did Katsuki bring me to this again?

Screams and shouts immediately crash into my eardrums as the limousine pulls to a stop. Flashes from cameras could be seen from behind the glass. Stomach flips out in anxiety as I look toward my boyfriend. A faint hum leaving my lips as he clears his throat. A grin breaks across my boyfriends lips as he looks toward me, waiting for me to gather my thoughts together and psyche myself up for this very moment. I can do this... I can do this... it's not going to be hard, right?

"Ready?" Katsuki asks, taking my hand in his and kissing my knuckles as I slowly take a deep breath and nod toward him, "You'll be fine, I'm here with you to keep you safe, no one will make you feel uncomfortable if they know what's good for them,"

"Yeah, I can do this," I tell him, smiling as he cups my cheek and presses his lips against mine. A groan leaving my lips as I mould my lips against his before pulling away with a smile, "You look great,"

"Not as great as you do," Katsuki purrs, winking my way as he gently shifts toward the door and knocks on the window to let the chauffeur know that we're ready to get out, "God, I can't wait until we get into that hotel room~"

Rolling my eyes, I quickly press a kiss against his cheek before wincing as the door opens and we're immediately greeted with screams from fans and flashes from cameras. Squeezing Katsuki's hand, I watch as he gets out first and waves toward the fans around. The male then looks toward me and extends his hand, a faint giggle leaving my lips as I take his hand and shuffle out of the car before pursuing to my feet. Leaning against Katsuki, I look around at everyone and smile nervously as he wraps an arm around my shoulders to keep me glued to him as we slowly make our way up the stairs toward the main entrance of the venue.

As I look around, a faint smile plays on my lips as Katsuki waves toward all the adoring fans and the cameramen. The amount of people being held back by this red velvet rope is insane. Katsuki's hero name is screamed out at the top of their lungs as we head toward the landing of the stairs before standing at the top. We're immediately having our pictures taken, Katsuki's hand around my waist to keep me in his side while I smile gently with my hand on his chest. The anxiety in my stomach dissipating as Katsuki kisses my forehead in front of all these people.

In a matter of seconds, Katsuki slowly pulls away. My eyes widening slightly as I look toward him before blushing as he stands in front of one side to pose on his own. A giggle on my lips as he grins to himself. Quenching my fear, Katsuki nods toward those cameras. I slowly look back toward them before standing with my hands on my hips and doing a little spin to allow them to take photos. A giggle leaving my lips as they all complement the dress before leaning back into Katsuki as he wraps his arms around my waist.

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