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   Maya's POV:

   Okay, so here's the moment. The moment I tell her the truth.
   "Riley...I like...Lucas."
   "You...do?" she asks, shocked.
   I nod my head slowly. "Yeah...please don't be mad Riles."

"Wait Riley."


Riley turns around.

"I should also tell you something else.."

"What is it...?" She asks.

"I also.. Kissed Lucas."

"You kissed him??"

"Im sorry Riley!"

Riley sits down on the hallway bench.

I walk over to her.

"Riles, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I mean, I was mad, but now.. Not anymore. I think you should go get em'."

"What changed your mind?" I ask.

"Well, it is true. I like Farkle. If i had to choose anyone to like, it would be Farkle. We have more in common, and we've known each other longer. If anything you and Lucas are better friends than I am with him."

"So, you're really okay?"

"Yeah, im fine." Riley replies.

"Ya know, you should ask Farkle out." I tell her.


"Why not? He's been madly in love with you forever. Why would he say no?"

"Your right." She smiles.

"Uh-oh.. Riley?"


"The bell rang. Were late for class.."

"Oh no, my dad's gonna kill me.. Lets go."

Riley and I run to class.

The Project - a lucaya series - book 1Where stories live. Discover now