Chapter 3- Go Figure

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AIIIGHHHT HOMMIIIESSS if i even have any yet.. here's chapter 3 it's kinda short? Still looking for a cover if any of you are interested message me, Happy reading !

Peace out ----- 0309

Chapter 3: Go Figure

            The entire weekend the whole Mylar crew and I went crazy. It started on Saturday morning when I decided to make breakfast and was bombarded and thrown around, yes, they picked me up and threw me around. Did they care that I was injured? Nope.

            After the gorillas were fed we decided that it would be fun to have a water bottle fight. You know, when you take the water bottle, poke holes in the lid and then just start going at each other? Maddie and I thought it would be fun, then we realized that all the boys would try to attack us.

“Chase get off me!” I screamed as I tried to get up off the ground. The boy sat on my back. Yes. He sat on me.

“Never!” he said spraying me. “Hey Adam toss me another bottle!”

“Adam don’t!”

“Catch baby bro,” Adam laughed as he handed Chase another bottle. Once that bottle was used up, Chase started tickling me.

“Get off! Get off!” I cried but it didn’t sound very intimidating due to all the laughter. Darn my ticklish-ness.

            After that, they decided that I needed to learn how to play football, their way. By the time I got to crawl into bed I was in so much pain I could hardly move.

“Are you having fun with the brothers yet?” Maddie asked from the next bed over.

            I smiled. “Yeah, I love them more than I thought I would. But nothing beats having a sister.”

            She grinned. “Kiss up.”

            Finally I couldn’t face it anymore. It was Monday and I would be going to school. School. God it’s been so long since I’ve been…oh well it’s probably still as boring.

I wore black skinny jeans and one of Sam’s old hoodies and the black, knee high, lace up boots that Maddie picked out for me when we went shopping again on Sunday. I didn’t feel like fussing over my long dark curls so I tied all of it up into a messy high bun. I grabbed my tote bag and slung it over my shoulder carefully after putting my new, top notch crazy expensive laptop (with a green case because Morgan found out it was my favourite colour) in my bag. I grabbed a notebook, a couple of pens and I was set. I bounced down our spiral steps and out of our tower and into the kitchen to have all eyes on me.

“What?” I asked looking down. Did I forget pants or something?

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