Round Two: Night One

40 4 14

A crescent moon hung over the town, and the mastermind stepped onto the stage. Kusu was on their head, taking on a semi-solid state.

"I believe you should all know your roles by now?" a laidback smile plastered itself on their face, "Well, I suggest to head home now. Plan out your actions, talk with your fellow Coven members, that stuff."

Kusu wobbled a bit, and the mastermind steadied the slime on their head. Waving to everyone, the curtains closed, leaving everyone with a last "Kusu wishes you all luck!"

...And figures retreated to their houses.


Welcome to night one!
- If everyone completes the activity check and does their night actions, Repent may be updated early.
- If not, the game will be updated after at least 24 hours have passed.
- No voting will happen today.
- Everyone that can use a night action will be DMed with a prompt to use it.
- The Coven may discuss with each other through me.
- Players with an ✖️ next to their name didn't answer the activity check during the previous updates.
- Some information was added to the general information page like whispering and the Necronomicom before this round started. I recommend reading it.


Alive Players:
1. Dawn (Mintpelt1) - She/they
2. Nalice (BUNNY_YES_BUNNY) - She/her
3. Spark (PrincessSunnyy ) - He/him
4. Nalice's Wife (Darkheart277) - She/her
5. Agatha (catblue9054) - She/her✖️
6. Heron (gappy-) He/him
7. Mack (GeekGoddess484) - She/her
8. Nalice's Second Wife (fvllenangvl) - She/her
9. Melody (MLPfan901) - She/her
10. Fern (alumort) - They/them✖️
11. Mystic (LDCat996) - She/her✖️
12. Nalice's Husband (Comrade-Tundra) - She/her
13. Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars (DetectiveShadow_) - He/him
14. Aspen (KawaiiArmy89) - She/her
15. Lilac (WriteAllDaFanFic) - He/they


Dead Players:


Activity Check

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