📋 Round Two: Overview

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All the information about player roles and night actions used are below.


All Players and Roles:
1. Dawn - Lookout
2. Nalice - Necromancer
3. Spark - Sheriff
4. Nalice's Wife - Coven Leader
5. Agatha - Bodyguard
6. Heron - Medusa
7. Mack - Plaguebearer
8. Nalice's Second Wife - Jailor
9. Melody - Bodyguard
10. Fern - Psychic
11. Mystic - Transporter
12. Nalice's Husband - Executioner [T:10]
13. Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars - Trapper
14. Aspen - Pirate
15. Lilac - Potion Master


Night One Actions
1. Dawn - Lookout - Nalice
3. Spark - Sheriff - Mack
4. Nalice's Wife - Coven Leader - Aspen, Mack
5. Agatha - Bodyguard - Mystic
7. Mack - Plaguebearer - Heron
8. Nalice's Second Wife - Jailor - Heron
9. Melody - Bodyguard - Dawn
10. Fern - Psychic - Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars, Dawn, Nalice
11. Mystic - Transporter - Dawn, Heron
14. Aspen - Pirate - Nalice's Husband, Lose
15. Lilac - Potion Master - Melody, Reveal


Night Two Actions:
3. Spark - Sheriff - Kaito
4. Nalice's Wife - Coven Leader - Kaito, Heron
5. Agatha - Bodyguard - Dawn
6. Heron - Medusa - Yes
7. Mack - Plaguebearer - Nalice's Wife
8. Nalice's Second Wife - Jailor - Dawn
9. Melody - Bodyguard - Fern
10. Fern - Psychic - Aspen, Agatha
11. Mystic - Transporter - Spark, Melody
13. Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars - Trapper - Fern
14. Aspen - Pirate - Dawn, Lose
15. Lilac - Potion Master - Nalice's Second Wife, Attack


Night Three Actions
2. Nalice - Necromancer - Dawn, Spark
3. Spark - Sheriff - Melody
4. Nalice's Wife - Coven Leader - Melody, Nalice
5. Agatha - Bodyguard - Melody
6. Heron - Medusa - Yes
9. Melody - Bodyguard - Fern
10. Fern - Psychic - Nalice's Wife, Melody, Mystic
11. Mystic - Transporter - Spark, Heron
14. Aspen - Pirate - Mack, Win
15. Lilac - Potion Master - Healing, Nalice


Night Four Actions
2. Nalice - Necromancer - Ghoul, Fern
3. Spark - Sheriff - Nalice's Husband
6. Heron - Medusa - Yes
9. Melody - Bodyguard - Heron
14. Aspen - Pirate - Fern, Lose


Night Five Actions
3. Spark - Sheriff - Heron
12. Nalice's Husband - Jester - Nalice, Randomized
14. Aspen - Pirate - Nalice, Lose
15. Lilac - Potion Master - Spark, Attack

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