🖇 Roles: Rainbow

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1 || Godfather (MK) - The Godfather can choose a target for the Mafioso to attack each night.
- The Godfather's choice overrides the Mafioso's choice.
- If the Mafioso is roleblocked, is dead, or doesn't exist, the Godfather will kill the target.
- Only the one who attacks the target will end up visiting them.
- The Godfather has basic defense.

1 || Mafioso (MK) - The Mafioso votes on and kills the target the Godfather chooses for the night.
- The Godfather's choice overrides the Mafioso's choice.
- If the Godfather is roleblocked, the Mafioso's target will be killed instead of the Godfather's target.
- If the Mafioso is roleblocked, the Godfather will kill the target.
- Only the one who attacks the target will end up visiting them.
- If the Godfather dies in a game, the Mafioso will be promoted to the Godfather.
- If the Mafioso dies and there isn't a Godfather alive, a random mafia member will be promoted to the Mafioso.

2 || Arsonist (NK) - Each night, the Arsonist can douse someone in gasoline, clean gasoline off of themselves so they can't be ignited, or ignite all the players that are doused in gasoline, dealing an unstoppable attack to them all.
- The Arsonist will automatically douse everyone who visits them and know their identities, even if they were jailed, roleblocked, or dueled by a Pirate.
- Players who were doused won't know they were doused unless they're another Arsonist.
- Doused players will show up with the Arsonist investigative results to the Investigator and the Consigliere.
- The Arsonist has basic defense.

2 || Survivor (NB) - The Survivor can use four bulletproof vests to gain basic defense for four nights.
- It doesn't matter who wins in the end; if the Survivor stays alive, they win along with anyone else who wins.
- The Survivor will still use their vest on themselves if they are transported.
- Even if a Witch controls the Survivor, the Survivor will still control whether or not they vest or not.

1 || Jailor (TK) - The Jailor can jail someone then talk with or execute them each night.
- The Jailor's target will be roleblocked and temporarily gives them powerful defense for the night they are in jail.
- Those who attempt to visit the Jailor's target will not be able to use their action on them and will get a message that states that their target was in jail. A Lookout will still see that they visited the jailed person though.
- If the Jailor's target gets attacked, transported, roleblocked, or blackmailed while in jail, the target will know, though the Jailor won't.
- The Jailor has three executions they can use, though they all go away if a Town member is executed.
- Executing someone will go through all defense they may have.
- The Jailor will be unable to execute their target if the Jailor is roleblocked or it's the first night, though they can still jail them.
- If a Jailor's target can communicate with others during the night, the target will still see what the others are saying, though they can't reply to them.
- If a dead Medium seances the Jailor or the jailed person, the Jailor/jailed person will hear and talk to both the medium and the other, though the person who wasn't seanced can't see the Medium's messages.
- If a Mafia member was jailed, their teammates will know that the Jailor's target was jailed.
- If the Jailor jails a Serial Killer that isn't cautious and doesn't execute them, the Jailor will be attacked by them. The Jailor will know if they were killed by a Serial Killer who they jailed, but it will show up as a normal kill on the death announcement.
- If the Witch controls the Jailor into visiting someone who they didn't target, the Jailor will be unable to execute them. However, if they control the Jailor into who they did jail, the Jailor will be forced to execute (unless it's night one).
- There can only ever be one Jailor at the start of a round.

1 || Veteran (TK) - The Veteran can choose whether to go alert each night, gaining basic defense for the night and dealing a powerful attack to everyone who visits and most likely killing all visitors if they do choose to become alert.
- The Veteran can only go alert three times.
- The Veteran can't be roleblocked by the escort.
- Players that visit the Veteran that have roles with effects (like the Doctor or Framer) will still use their actions on the Veteran, though they will die in the process.
- There can only be one Veteran at the start of a round.

2 || Amnesiac (NB) - The Amnesiac can choose a dead player's role to remember their own role as.
- The Amnesiac's new role's goal becomes their goal.
- The Amnesiac will remember the true role of their target, even if a Forger messed with the announced role.
- When an Amnesiac remembers a role, it will be announced the next day.
- If multiple Amnesiacs attempt to remember the same unique role, all but one will randomly fail, though they can choose to remember the role again if the Amnesiac who remembered the role dies.
- The Amnesiac can't remember roles that were cleaned or stoned.
- If the Amnesiac remembers a role with defense but is attacked during the same night, they will die as an Amnesiac.
- If the Amnesiac remembers themselves as the Godfather when all the mafia members are dead, they will end up as the Mafioso instead.
- If Amnesiac attempts to remember Pestilence, they will remember Plaguebearer but turn into Pestilence before the next night.
- If an Amnesiac is controlled into themselves, it will be announced that the Amnesiac has remembered being an Amnesiac.

2 || Serial Killer (NK) - The Serial Killer can attack someone with a basic attack each night, potentially killing them.
- Each night, the Serial Killer may choose to be cautious. This prevents roleblockers that visit them from dying because of them.
- The Serial Killer can't be roleblocked by the Escort or Consort and instead will attack them if they aren't being cautious. This will cause the Escort/Consort's last will to be bloody and unreadable if they die.
- If the Jailor jails and doesn't execute a Serial Killer that isn't being cautious, they will be attacked by the Serial Killer.
- If the Pirate plunders a Serial Killer that isn't being cautious and the Serial Killer wins, the pirate will be attacked by the Serial Killer.
- The Serial Killer has basic defense.

2 || Witch (NE) - The Witch can control someone each night, using their ability on someone else of their choice and finding the role of the controlled player.
- The Witch wins if they survive and the town loses.
- The Witch's first target will know that they were controlled.
- The Witch only visits their first target, not the player their first target is controlled to be visiting.
- If the controlled player has a visiting Night ability, they will visit the second target. They will be seen by a Lookout and may die to an alerting Veteran.
- The Witch can't be roleblocked by an Escort or Consort.
- If the person the Witch is controlling gets roleblocked or jailed, the control will have no effect. The player will know that they were controlled if they were roleblocked, though they won't know anything if they were jailed.
- The Witch will gain all the information the person they controlled would have gained instead of them.
- The Witch can't control a Transporter, Veteran, Retributionist, Pirate, Pestilence, Potion Master, Necromancer, Pirate, and any role without a night action, though they'll still find out what their role is.
- If multiple Witches attempt to control a target, the one who succeeds will be randomly chosen, and each Witch will believe that they were the one who controlled their target. Their target will know how many times someone attempted to control them.
- If the Witch controls a doused player, they will still be able to find out their true role. This is not true for framed players.
- The Witch has basic defense until they are attacked, when it breaks and leaves them without defense.

1 || Any (??) - The any role can be any role on the Classic and Coven Classic role lists as long as unique roles don't happen more than once.

Alignment Key:
T - Town
N - Neutral
M - Mafia

K - Killing
B - Benign
E - Evil

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