Confessing my Love

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Prompt: Link proposes to Amelia and she says yes but Owen tells Amelia how he feels after.

Request: ameliasowen

He had always been in love with her. Owen Hunt. He loved Amelia more than anything in the world. Yes, they were married before, and now divorced, but he still loved her. He never forgave himself for losing Amelia. She was perfect in every way and he was able to blame everything on the brain tumor and leave her. He wished it were different, he wished he tried staying. He wished they tried after she had surgery because he knew deep down she was still the person he fell in love with. Amelia was with Link now. Link loved her too, I mean it was Amelia Shepherd, how could anyone not. Link planned on proposing today. Link always hated the idea of marriage, his parents got a horribly messy divorce during his childhood and it traumatized him. He hated the idea of marriage because he knew unlike the fairytales it wasn't always forever, but he knew forever was with Amelia. He loved her so much, and their son Scout Derek Shepherd Lincoln. Amelia loved Link, she was in love with Owen, was. She did love him very much, but they had an extremely messy divorce and a not-so-pleasant marriage. She loved Link more than anything in the entire world. Right now Amelia was feeding Scout breakfast at his highchair and Link admired the two from the couch. He loved them both tremendously. They were both his entire world. He was proposing to Amelia today. Today he would finally ask her the most important question of their lives.

After dinner, the sun was setting and it was so beautiful. Link grabbed Amelia's arm as Scout was already sleeping. He brought her over to the deck and Amelia smiled at the sky, in awe of all its beauty, and no idea what would happen next. Link stood behind her and then god down on one knee and pulled out the ring he had.

"Amelia," Link said.

"Yeah?" Amelia said as she turned around, "Oh my god Link!"

"Amelia, you changed my life. Ever since I was a kid I've told myself that I hate marriage, that marriage was dumb, and that people aren't happy anyway. Well, I was wrong. I based that off of my parent's awful divorce, which wasn't even a fair assessment because I hadn't met you. You turned my world, Amelia. You really did. You are an amazing mother to Scout. I love how you are with him. I love you. I've never been so sure about this in my entire life. I always thought that marriage was stupid because it wasn't forever, but I know forever is with you, Amelia. I love you more than words could ever say. So, will you marry me?" Link asked nervously.

"Yes oh my god yes I'll marry you Link!" Amelia said happily. Link slid the ring on her finger and kissed her passionately. He spun her around and held her tightly. The two were so happy, it was all they had ever wanted. They had a perfect son, and now they were going to get married and profess love to all their family and friends. It was all perfect right? Wrong.

Amelia went in that night to work the night shift. She was filling out a chart when Owen approached her. Owen noticed right away, the engagement ring. It was beautiful, and it wasn't there yesterday. Owen sighed to himself, he lost the perfect girl.

"Hey," Owen said, "I see Link proposed?"

"Oh hey! Oh yeah, he did tonight," Amelia smiled. Owen knew how happy she was, but he had to try didn't he? He had to try to fight for her one more time.

"Can we talk?" Owen asked desperately.

"Sure," Amelia beamed, still excited about her engagement. Amelia and Owen walked down the hallway and into his office.

"I know what I'm going to say is totally unfair, but I still love you Amelia. I was wrong. You are capable of love. I love you. I've always loved you. I know you're with Link and I shouldn't be confessing my love to you at all, but I shouldn't have let you think you were a second choice in my life to Teddy. You're not. You have always been my first choice Amelia. I love you and I want to be with you," Owen pleaded with her. Amelia was taken aback by this. Part of her still did love Owen deep down, and part of her always will. She felt the tears stroll down her face as she looked at her ex-husband.

"Owen," Amelia started, "We aren't good at marriage, you know that. It doesn't matter what we felt back then because I love Link now. I love him so much, and I love our son Scout. We're a family, and I trust him. I trust him that he'll be a good husband and I can only try like hell to be a good wife to him. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. We did love each other once, and I know that because sometimes the feelings are still there, but I love Link too. I really do Owen."

"Okay," Owen said upsetly.

"I'm sorry," Amelia said.

"Me too," Owen said, "I should have said something sooner."

"No," Amelia cried, "I've wanted Link from the second we started dating. You can't blame yourself."

"I have to look at a case," Owen excused himself. Amelia sighed as he left. She looked down at her engagement ring and that gave her comfort. Link was such a good guy. He was the guy she truly loved, no matter what past feelings she had for anyone. She loved Link so much sometimes she felt like she was going to have a panic attack. She made the right choice.

Author's Note: sorry it didn't end like some of you would have anticipated. I couldn't destroy the happy couple.

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