Grey Sloan High School

704 18 5

Prompt: Greys high school but also Amezona

Request: Ajh_503

"Amelia what do you even see in him anyway?" Derek asked his younger sister as they walked into school for the day.
"Owen?" Amelia asked.
"Yes," Derek told her.
"He's cute," Amelia said, "you don't like him?"
"I don't like him for you," Derek said.
"Well I like him," Amelia said as she opened her locker. She was partially lying to herself. She did like Owen. She liked him a lot, but there was also this girl. Arizona Robbins. She was openly lesbian, and Amelia was a closeted bisexual. The two were acquaintances, but never more. What Amelia didn't know was that Arizona had the hugest crush on Amelia.
"Hey," Owen broke Amelia out of her thoughts.
"Oh hey," Amelia smiled and kissed him. The two walked to class and started their day.

"He's so sweet!" Meredith told Maggie as they were sitting at the lunch table. Amelia rolled her eyes as she sat down across from the two.
"Cannot believe you're dating my brother," Amelia joked.
"And we can't believe you're dating Owen Hunt," Maggie teased.
"Why does nobody like him?" I laughed.
"It's not that we don't like him, he's just kinda annoying, and Link is in love with you," Meredith said.
"Well I like Owen," Amelia defended. From across the cafeteria she saw Arizona Robbins. God she was pretty. She was laughing with all her popular friends. Jo Wilson, April Kepner, and Alex Karev. Arizona looked up from her phone and saw Amelia looking her way. Amelia quickly got embarrassed and looked back down at her food. Arizona felt butterflies in her stomach whenever she saw Amelia, but she was dating Owen. And Atticus Lincoln was like in love with her. There was no way Arizona thought she stood a chance with the brunette. The only time they talked was in spanish class. They had assigned seats next to each other because the teacher organized the classroom by first name. That was their next class. The cafeteria bell rang and everyone got up to leave for the next class.

Amelia was rushing to Spanish because she had spent too long in the hallway talking to Owen. She ran into someone and looked up. Arizona.
"God I'm so sorry," Amelia said.
"Hey it's okay, you okay?" Arizona asked her.
"Yeah," Amelia said. The two walked into spanish. Alex Karev was also in this class. He knew about Arizona's crush on Amelia. He looked at them from the back of the class and always thought they'd make a good couple, but neither one of them would make a move. On the other side of the school Meredith and Derek were starting their chemistry class. That's how they met. They were doing some lab with hydrogen peroxide and magnesium.
"Did you fill the beaker enough?" Derek asked her.
"Yeah," Meredith said, "you have to light the Bunsen burner."
"Okay," Derek said. He really loved Meredith. He wanted to marry her some day.
"Don't catch yourself on fire," Derek joked and handed Meredith the tongs to go with the beaker.
"You would be the one to do that you idiot," Meredith teased as they continued the lab.

"Amelia!" Arizona called after her as Amelia left the classroom.
"Hm?" Amelia said.
"Do you wanna maybe hangout after school and do the spanish assignment?" Arizona nervously asked.
"Yeah sure," Amelia smiled. She walked to her locker and saw Owen waiting for her.
"I'll catch you in the parking lot?" Amelia asked Arizona.
"Sure," Arizona smiled. Amelia walked over to her locker and Owen seemed annoyed.
"What's your problem?" Amelia joked, but not helping his mood.
"Why are you hanging out with her?" Owen asked.
"Arizona?" Amelia asked.
"Yeah," Owen said, "you know she definitely likes you."
"Owen just because she's a lesbian doesn't mean she likes me. I barely know her," Amelia said, but hoping what Owen said was true.
"Whatever," Owen said.
"I've had class with her all year why are you acting weird now?" Amelia said as she grabbed her textbooks.
"Because I think she likes you," Owen said.
"Owen you're being ridiculous," Amelia chuckled, "her and I are just school friends. I gotta go I love you."
"I love you too," Owen said.

Alex met his girlfriend at her locker like he did everyday. Jo Wilson. The two were a really good couple. They understood each other, and each other's obstacles.
"What are you doing after school?" Jo asked him.
"Nothing," Alex said.
"Wanna hangout and watch a movie?" Jo offered.
"Sure sounds good," Alex said.
"Dude what's been going on with Shepherd and Robbins?" Jo chuckled, "Arizona clearly likes her."
"That's what I've been saying," Alex chuckled, "she's too dumb to realize Amelia probably likes her too."
"I mean she is dating Owen," Jo pointed out.
"Okay and who didn't literally Teddy, Cristina, and Carina did," Alex laughed.
"True," Jo shrugged, "I just want Arizona to be happy. She deserves it."
"I agree," Alex said. They got in his car and drove to a quiet parking lot to watch a movie together in the car.

Arizona unlocked the door for Amelia.
"I don't think my parents are home," Arizona shrugged, "hope that's okay."
"It's fine," Amelia said, but she was nervous. Owen thought Arizona liked her. Owen could just be jealous. But she didn't know. All she knew was that she liked Arizona.
"Want something to eat?" Arizona offered.
"Sure," Amelia said, putting her stuff down. The two ate a snack before starting the spanish homework.
"Did you get number 5," Arizona asked.
"Mercado," Amelia said.
"What does that mean?" Arizona chuckled.
"Grocery store," Amelia said.
"You're smart," Arizona said.
"Am not," Amelia chuckled.
"Yeah okay," Arizona said.
"Yeah okay what?" Amelia said.
"That you aren't smart," Arizona said. Amelia shrugged and the two went back to working on the assignment. Amelias phone buzzed and she saw it was Owen. Amelias boyfriend. Amelia weirdly just flipped her phone over and went back to writing.
"You can text Owen back it's fine," Arizona chuckled.
"He's being annoying," Amelia said.
"Oh," Arizona said, "sorry."
"Not your fault," Amelia said. Arizona couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful Amelia was. She was admiring her when Amelia turned to her and caught her staring.
"Staring?" She joked.
"No," Arizona chuckled. The two froze as they looked at each other. Amelia thought about leaning in for a kiss, but she was so scared. She just wanted to kiss her.
"What are you thinking about?" Arizona asked as she moved closer to her. Amelia decided to go for it.
"I want to kiss you," Amelia said softly.
"Yeah?" Arizona said.
"Mhm," Amelia nodded.
"Then kiss me," Arizona said. And Amelia did. She leaned in and kissed the pretty blonde passionately. Arizona pulled her close to her and the two started making out.
"You have a boyfriend," Arizona stopped.
"But I like you," Amelia said as she looked at her, "I'll end it with Owen."
"For me?" Arizona said.
"Yes," Amelia said. Arizona smiled as she kissed Amelia again.

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