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Prompt: Amelia is staying up worrying about Meredith and the pandemic.
Request: Sd026602

This pandemic was stressful. Meredith was in the hospital with Covid, and Link and I were watching the kids. I was starting to reach my breaking point. It's not the kids, they're lovely and fine, but it's so stressful not knowing what's going on. Ellis asks about Meredith everyday and I don't know what to tell her. I haven't been in the hospital since I left after giving birth to Scout. We FaceTime Maggie as much as possible and she tells Link and I how Meredith is doing.
"Auntie Amelia!" Ellis said as she climbed on top of me in bed. I was half away but I opened my eyes and smiled at her.
"Hi Ellie Bell," I smiled as she snuggled into me. Link rolled over and faced us and smiled.
"Hey Ellis, did you sleep good?" Link asked.
"Yeah," she said.
"Do you want to go downstairs and make some pancakes? That sounds fun doesn't it?" I smiled and Ellis nodded.
"Okay go meet me downstairs," I said and Ellis jumped off the bed and ran down the stairs. I turned to Link and he kissed my forehead.
"It's gonna be okay," he said softly, "let's take it one day at a time."
"I know," I said as I got up and walked over to Scout who was just waking up.
"Hi baby," I smiled and picked him up.
"Why don't I take him and you can go start the pancakes with Ellis," Link said.
"Sounds good," I said and kissed him. I threw on one of Link's sweatshirts and walked downstairs.
"Aunt Amelia I can't find my charger," Bailey complained.
"For your computer?" I asked as I grabbed the pancake mix from the cabinet.
"Yeah," he said, "I need to charge my computer for zoom." School. That was a whole other stress. Getting all three of the kids to do school and submit their homework was hard. It wasn't their fault, no kid should have to learn on a computer. It was especially hard with Ellis because she didn't really understand why kindergarten was on a computer.
"Bailey I charged your computer last night it's on the counter," Zola said.
"Thank you ZoZo," I said. She was the biggest help. I made pancakes for everyone and Link came downstairs with Scout in a cute onesie for today. He was adorable. The kids sat down and ate breakfast quick before they had to log on for school.
"Hey look it's mommy," Link smiled as he brought Scout over to me.
"Hi buddy," I smiled, "how are you?"
"Someone's hungry," Link chuckled as I took him from Link.
"Okay I'm going to go feed him, make sure the kids get on zoom on time," I said.
"Will do," he said.
"And make sure Bailey stops using those filters in class, his teacher said he's playing games instead of the work," I chuckled.
"We won't be using any filters today," Link laughed, "love you."
"Love you too," I said. I fed scout quickly and then walked up to Zola's room to go check on her. Thankfully since she was in 6th grade she was a little more independent than the other two.
"Ready for school?" I asked her.
"Baby scout!" She giggled, "and yeah my call starts in 5 minutes."
"Look at you all ready," I smiled as I saw her desk organized, "come downstairs and get me or Uncle Link if you need anything."
"I will," she nodded. I walked downstairs and Link was chasing Bailey around the living room.
"Hey school starts in 3 minutes!" I laughed as I put scout in his play pen.
"He'll be on time," Link chuckled.
"Aunty Amy?" Ellis asked me as she grabbed her computer.
"Yes honey?" I asked.
"Is mommy coming home tonight?" She asked. I sighed. She asks about Meredith all the time and I don't know what to tell her.
"Not tonight honey, she's super busy working. But she misses and loves you so very much. I told her how good you're doing in school," I said.
"Can you tell her something for me?" She said.
"Sure," I said.
"Tell her I love her too," she said sweetly.
"I will okay," I smiled and kissed her head. I helped her log onto her computer and grabbed her a pencil and pen for class.
"Come get me or Uncle Link if you need anything okay?" I told her. She nodded as she started school in the kitchen. Life was so hard in the pandemic.
The kids were all asleep and I was worrying. I guess it was part of my routine. Maggie said a few days ago that Meredith got into this trial in New York. That's good. It's good news. But I'm so scared. The kids are living in uncertainty about their mom. I hate it. We haven't told Bailey and Ellis yet. Zola kinda figured it out. She asked if she was sick and I couldn't lie to her.
"Hey you're still up," Link said as he came into the bedroom.
"Yeah," I said.
"You okay?" Link asked.
"No," I said crying. Link wrapped me in a hug and kissed my head.
"It's going to be okay," Link said, "Merediths doing better. She's in that good trial."
"I can't keep living in fear and lying to the kids," I cried, "what are we supposed to tell them if she dies?"
"Amelia she is not going to die," Link reassured, "she has the best doctors looking out for her."
"I hate this pandemic," I cried.
"That makes two of us," Link said. He brought me into bed and we snuggled while talking.
"She has to wake up. I mean Meredith has avoided every single death wish possible. Plane crash. Shooting. Bombing. Drowning. Poisonous blood. Patient attack. I mean covid can't be the thing that takes her from us can it?" I said.
"I sure hope not," Link said, "but think about all those things you just listed. Only a super strong person can go through all that. She'll get better. Everyone at the hospital is looking out for her and doing everything in her best interest."
"Yeah I know," I said softly.
"I know times are scary and it's okay to be scared," Link reassured me.
"I just want it to be over," I cried, "I want the kids to go to normal school and see their friends, I want them to see their mom, I want to see Maggie, I miss it."
"Me too," Link said, "but maybe all the precautions people are taking is going to help and we can go back to normal soon."
"I sure hope so," I said looking over at Scout.
"I love you," Link said.
"I love you too," I said softly and kissed him. Link pulled me closer to him as we started making out. As if almost on cue, scout started crying.
"Oh my gosh," Amelia chuckled as she got up and brought her son to their bed. She held him close as Scout babbled and looked at his father.
"I love our family," Link said, "you're an amazing mother, and an amazing aunt Amelia. I know you're scared, but we've got this. We can tackle this thing together."

Amelia One ShotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum