Carina Deluca

862 14 5

Prompt: Amelia works up to courage to ask Carina out

Sorry this one is kinda short

Request: AmezonaStorys

Ugh. She was so perfect. I just wanted to ask her out, but I'm literally so insecure. Carina Deluca. She was stunning. She looked up from her chart and looked at me.
"Staring?" She laughed with her perfect Italian accent.
"No uh," I chuckled.
"No?" She smirked, "Amelia."
"Was not!" I tried to laugh it off, "I'll see you later."
"Okay," she chuckled. I walked down the hallway and frowned. She was so confident. She was so pretty. Her accent was so perfect. Ugh. I wanted her. I continued walking down the hallway and I walked into CT to consult with Edwards on a patient. The whole time I was looking at the scans I just kept thinking of her. The perfect brown hair and the perfect eyes. I walked out of CT and saw her again. She waved and smiled at me and I felt a warmth in my heart. Maybe I should go for it? I mean her and Arizona are over with. Arizona moved across the country to New York to be with Sofia and Callie, and as far as I know Carina hadn't dated anyone else. Maybe I should ask her out. No, no I can't do that. What if she rejects me? What if she's already seeing someone else?
"Amelia," I heard my favorite Italian accent.
"Y-yeah?" I said.
"You're staring, are you okay?" She said.
"Yeah I'm fine," I said nervously.
"Are you sure honey? You seem nervous," she said.
"What are you doing tonight?" I asked.
"Sitting in my bed watching TV," she chuckled, "so nothing."
"Do you want to go out?" I asked shyly.
"Like on a date?" She smirked.
"Uh yeah," I said.
"I'd like that," she said.
"Yeah?" I said.
"Mhm," she said, "what time?"
"7?" I asked.
"Works for me," Carina said, "can't wait."
"Me too," I smiled. I finally asked her out. We were going on a date. I was so excited.

Amelia One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora