When we meet Again

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Prompt: Owen meets Amelia around the time of season 7 and they have a moment, but then she comes back later on and the feelings are still there for one another.


Derek got shot. He didn't even tell me. What an idiot. I got off the plane and got a taxi and drove to the hospital. I walked through the doors and walked to the front desk.
"Can I help you?" The nurse asked.
"Yeah I'm looking for Derek Shepherd," I said.
"Do you have an appointment?" She asked.
"Uh no if you could just point me in the direction of his office that would be great," I smiled.
"Oh uh," she said.
"Last time someone said that they shot him," Mark said.
"Mark!" I smiled and hugged him.
"I'll show her where it is this is his sister," Mark told the nurse.
"What are you doing here?" Mark asked me.
"Well Dereks an ass. An ass who got shot, and won't return my calls so I'm here," I said. His pager went off and I frowned.
"I gotta go," Mark sighed. He looked over and saw another doctor.
"Hey go with Owen he's friends with Derek he'll show you where it is," Mark said, "Owen!"
"What's up?" Owen asked him.
"This is Dereks sister, can you show her where his office is?" Mark asked.
"Sure," Owen said. Mark left and I walked next to Owen.
"You visiting?" Owen asked.
"Yeah well Derek's an ass who won't return my phone calls," I complained as we got in the elevator.
"Oh," Owen chuckled. I looked at him. He was cute. The doors opened and I saw Derek in his office.
"It's right there," Owen said, "good luck."
"Thanks," I smiled, "see you later."
"I'll see you," Owen said. I opened Derek's door and he looked up at me.
"What are you doing here?" Derek said.
"What are you doing not responding to my calls? You were shot!" I said angrily.
"Amy I'm very busy," Derek said.
"Not too busy to ignore me! Derek I care about you and flew here to see if you're okay and you're being an ass once again!" I said. His pager went off and I frowned.
"We'll catch up later," he said. I stormed out and I saw Owen walking down the hall.
"Derek still being an ass?" He chuckled.
"Yes," I frowned as I sat down on a gurney.
"You know those are for patients," he said as he sat down next to me.
"You're sitting too," I said.
"Fair enough," he chuckled, "why's Derek being mean to you?"
"Because I'm his screwed up baby sister," I chuckled.
"I'm sure you're not," Owen said.
"You don't know me," I said. He shrugged.
"Let me know you then," Owen said.
"You don't mean that," I chuckled.
"Yes I do," Owen said. I looked at him and smiled.
"Fine," I said and leaned in and kissed him.

5 months later

"God my sisters coming today," Derek complained.
"Which one?" I asked as we walked out of the OR. I hoped he would say Amelia. Last time Amelia was here we kissed and went to a nice dinner. She left the next day and we haven't spoken since. I fell for her, I mean she was incredible.
"Amelia," Derek said, "can you distract her or something, or pawn her off to Mark or Meredith."
"Why don't you like her?" I asked.
"Have you met my sister?" He chuckled. We walked through the lobby and there she was. She looked as gorgeous as ever. She took my breath away. Her hair was a little longer and she was holding a suitcase.
"Amelia," Derek said.
"Derek! Hi," Amelia smiled and hugged him.
"Hi Owen," Amelia smiled.
"Hey," I said.
"Amelia Owens going to show you around, don't annoy him," Derek said and walked off.
"Aw he still hates me," Amelia joked.
"Yeah," I frowned.
"Uh how are you?" She asked as we started walking.
"Good how are you?" I asked.
"Good," she said.
"That's good," I said.
"Yeah," she said.
I finished showing Amelia around and I looked towards the cafeteria.
"Wanna grab a bite?" I asked her.
"Sure," she said. It was really awkward between us. I haven't seen her in months, but I still have feelings for her. I started walking towards the cafeteria and she grabbed my arm and pulled me into an on call room.
"What are you" I started but was cut off by her lips meeting mine. I kissed her back as I picked her up and her legs wrapped around my waist. I put her down on the desk and she pulled at the waist band of my scrubs.
"I've missed you, I haven't stopped thinking about you," she said as I kissed her neck.
"Me too," I said.
"I shouldn't have left," she said as I took her shirt off.
"Why did you?" I asked.
"I was scared," she said, "I've never met someone like you. Someone nice. Someone kind. I was scared so I ran. I've been thinking about that dinner ever since and I wish I stayed. I wish I stayed for you."
"I've missed you," I said and kissed her passionately.
"I've missed you too," she said.
"So where do you want to go for dinner?" I asked Amelia as we were walking out of the hospital.
"I don't care," she said, "as long as I'm with you that's what matters."
"Why don't I cook?" I said.
"That would be great," she giggled as we got in my truck.
"How long are you staying in Seattle for?" I asked, hoping it would be longer than last time.
"I'm not sure," she shrugged, "I have a hotel for about a week but I'll probably extend it or something."
"Why don't you stay with me?" I offered.
"Are you sure?" She said.
"Yes," I said. She smiled as I started driving home.
"Okay," she said, "I'll stay with you."
"Good," I smiled as I put my arm around her as we walked inside my house.
"Aw your house is so cute," she said.
"I guess so," I laughed.
"I'm glad I came back to Seattle," she said.
"I'm glad too," I said and I kissed her, "I'm glad I got to see you again."

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