I Swear I Won't Forget You, Angel (💛)

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Summary: It's Thomas' time to go into the Maze and he can't help but hope his love for Newt is strong enough that not even the Swipe can take it from his mind. After all, It worked for Newt.

Where: The Glade/WICKED


**I was slightly inspired by the author of Remember That I Love You. It's not finished but it was so amazing, worth the read :) @sunshinewtmas


Thomas fought to stay awake. He couldn't sleep, there was no time for sleep. Not when he'd be wiped that night and sent into the maze the next morning. No way.

The brunet focused with all his strength on the glowing monitors watching over all the boys in the Glade. They were once his best friends. Minho, Gally, Zart, Nick, Chuck, the list continues. And God- Newt.

When Newt was sent down to one of the labs for his Swipe, all Thomas got from him was a tearful kiss goodbye before seeing him on the monitors the next morning. No one warned him that it was Newt's time to go. And it was probably because they didn't want him putting up a fight.

Thomas cried. He cried a lot. More than anything he wanted to hug and cuddle with his boy. It was strange that Newt muttered a lot in his sleep, and seemed to remember more than what any of the other boys did. They were confused but mostly curious. How come Newt remembered someone (based on the name he kept repeating in his sleep) but no one else did?

It was a very touchy subject. Alby went to question it the morning after they heard the blond boy mumble in his sleep for the first time, but Newt suddenly got defensive over the mysterious boy, whose name must be Tommy, based on what came from Newt.

Thomas cried the most that night. Newt remembered him.

Someone knocked gently on the door. A girl came in, but it wasn't Teresa bugging him every ten minutes like usual. It was the girl Aris had a telepathic connection with.

Thomas tried to smile at her despite all the emotional pain he felt and how desperately he wanted to be with Newt. Rachel pulled up a chair and sat beside him, following his line of sight to the small figure curled up in a sleeping bag and rubbing his bad ankle.

"He's strong," Rachel smiled gently after a long moment of silence. Thomas broke away from the boy to look at her, confused.

She continued. "You make not get it, Tom, but Newt's holding onto the hope that you're real and that someone still cares for him out here. You guys are so in love that it's even strong when you're apart and the latter can't even remember all the details. He knows he loves you. And it's not just you that makes him strong. Newt's know for helping others no matter the cost. He's too important to lose, and too smart to die. He'll be okay, you know that."

Thomas let out a shaky breath. "I hope I remember him."

Rachel went to say something but a knock from someone at the door came, asking for her to come with them to get swiped since she was also being sent to the maze. Rachel stood up and pecked his forehead. "You will. Good luck, Tom."

Thomas offered her a weak smile. "Good luck to you too."

After Rachel left the boy knew it was only a matter of time before he was also taken down to the lab. His gaze found Newt again.

"I swear I won't forget you, angel."


Thomas groaned in pain. He tried to open his eyes but a headache quickly told him that was a terrible idea, despite being swallowed in darkness. He didn't know where he was, all that he knew was that this box was dark and had a repulsive odor. 

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