Someplace new

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When I woke up, I was in a big, comfortable bed in a big, beautiful room. It was clearly decorated with someone female in mind as the wallpaper was light pink with flowers and the furniture was white with soft pink pillows and decorations. Not a masculine bedroom, clearly. The bed was really soft and I was still so tired that only the adrenaline of finding myself someplace new and unknown kept me from lying back down. Huh, why was I wearing pink pajamas? Oh right, my clothes had been wet. I certainly hope that it wasn't that hunk from yesterday who had undressed me. Then why did the thought send shivers down my spine?

I stood up and walked to the windows. Peering outside, I could see it was light out and morning light rather than evening light. Did I really sleep so long? No matter, time to find an exit. The room was high up, third or fourth floor of a building, so the windows were not really an option. The first door I tried, opened into an amazing bathroom, bigger than my bedroom at home, all white with pink accessories. No time to try out that amazing shower or that big stand-alone bathtub, too bad. The next door opened into a massive closet space. Wait, were those my clothes? Did someone hang them up? Who and why? I quickly put on some jeans and my Yosemite T-shirt. Comfortable clothing for a quick getaway.

If my clothes were here, what about my phone and wallet? I looked around for them, but no such luck. And also no luck with the last door: locked. And the unlucky streak continued, because when I tried to use magic to open the door, it didn't work. Nor did summoned air, earth or fire. Not even water, my favorite element, came to my aid. Did the healing I did yesterday still prevent me from accessing my powers or was there more to it?

Okay, the only option I had was to demand someone to open the door, so I started banging on it and shouting. It didn't take long before I heard a key turning in the lock. I jumped back and the door opened, revealing the man I saw in the forest. The handsome one with the bare chest and strange alluring smell. The scent was the same, but luckily this time he had a black shirt on. Still, I couldn't help the immediate attraction and passion I felt, which confused me greatly. I had been locked in a strange room, which normally should make me wary and afraid of this man. Then why did I feel more like a lovesick puppy, wagging its tail?

"Good morning, my beautiful witchling. I brought you some breakfast." He had a friendly, warm smile and he was holding a tray with pancakes, red fruit, coffee and orange juice. It all looked delicious and my stomach was growling. Still, with so many tempting things on display, himself included, I would not lose my head.

"First of all, I'm not a witchling, I'm an adult. And I'm certainly not yours. Thank you for letting me stay here while I recuperated, but I'm going to decline breakfast. Instead I would like some directions to my car, please."

"No." He closed the door behind him and put the tray on the small table. "Eat and then we can talk."

"Euhm, excuse me? Fine! I'll find the way myself." I reached for the door, but before I could even get near the handle, he grabbed my arm and it felt like my heart stopped beating for a moment before it quickened. Heat rushed straight from my arm to the rest of my body. He pulled me towards him.

"What a wondrous feeling, when we touch. I heard about it of course, but feeling it myself is something else entirely." He seemed thoughtful, but his grip was unrelenting. He didn't hurt me, but didn't let go until I sat down, after which he sat down himself, so close our knees were touching. "Now eat."

"What is this, some kind of love spell?" I asked him straight out. No use denying the attraction, the blush on my face probably said it all. Witches and wizards could either use their natural affinity with water, air, earth and/or fire, the mental powers that came with the affinity or they could make potions and cast spells, but I never heard of this kind of love spell that lasted for longer than a day and was so potent.

"No, no love spell. Take a bite of your pancakes. I promise, they are delicious. Coffee?", he asked raising the thermos. I looked at the food indecisively. It did look very appetizing. "I'll give you all the answers you need if you first eat a bit. You must be starving."

Fine, I thought, and took a bite. Mmm, they were amazing! Fluffy and sweet. I scooped some red fruit on top and really dug in. After I finished eating, I tried to grab the thermos, but he beat me to it and poured me some coffee. I took the steaming cup and breathed in the scent. I love coffee. "Now, tell me why I'm here and what is going on between us. And how you knew I'm a witch. By the way, whose pajamas are these and how is it I'm wearing them?"

"Haha, you're quite demanding, aren't you? They're my sister Olivia's. This room was hers too, by the way. Now it's temporarily yours. And I didn't change your clothes, if you're worried about that, my aunt did." That was indeed reassuring. His laugh sounded warm and comforting, like a crackling fire.

"Now, about who we are... How much did your parents tell you about other creatures but witches?" Huh, his eyes were a dark green, like a forest on a rainy day, rather than black. Whenever he made eye contact, it was really hard to focus so I looked somewhere else. What had he asked me again? Oh right, creatures.

"Well, they told me about vampires of course, since they like to hunt witches. They can also be alluring, but since you're sitting here with me in direct sunlight, I'll rule that one out for you. Next, the fey, but they left this world a long time ago. There are supposedly none left. Not a great loss, if you ask me, since they only basically tricked people and waged wars. And finally some creatures that are quite rare, like ghouls, mermaids and... Oh fuck. You're a werewolf." I was totally astonished.

"Well, we have become quite rare on other continents. I suppose there are only a few, small packs left in the UK, what with cities and towns growing and more and more forest disappearing. Here in the U.S., there are still some very large packs, like mine in Lupin Springs."

"That means... I'm your... We are..." I stood up to get some more distance from him.

"Yes, you are my mate. We are to be mated." When he saw I was backing up towards the door, he tried to grab my arm again, but I deflected his grasp and turned around to the door. He reacted by grabbing me around the waist instead and sat down again, putting me on his lap. No way, José. That was much too close. My body buzzing from the physical contact, still I tried to wriggle away and, because that wasn't doing much good of course, I started struggling in earnest.

"Stop, Sophie! I'm not going to hurt you, you know this. My whole life will be spent caring for you and protecting you." I was panicking and it didn't even register that he knew my name.

"I don't need care and I don't need protection. I can care for myself. I can protect myself. And all I wish for is the freedom to make my own choices in life, a freedom you'll take from me!" I kept shoving at him, punctuating each point I was making.

"And where has that freedom gotten you so far? You have been making bad choices, Sophie. Choices that you knew led to a path of self-destruction. So don't say you've been caring for or protecting yourself. You haven't and you know it!" He kept pressing me against him, even though I had stopped moving completely.

"What do you know about me and how? Who have you been speaking to?" I icily asked him. Now he was the one avoiding eye contact. "Give me my phone." I held out my hand to him.

"I don't think that's..." I didn't allow him to finish his sentence, but reminded him that even prisoners get a single phone call. He handed over my phone reluctantly. "I'll give you some privacy." Finally he released me from his hold and left, closing the door behind him.

It was time to call mum and dad. They had some explaining to do.

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