Chapter 1 - Who's Afraid of the Big Black Wolf?

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It's a new year so i've decided to finally post one of my own stories.... it's about time huh? Well since i am a virign to writing on Wattpad, lemme know what you think!

PS that's a pic of Ryn on the side... just imagine her with violet eyes

PPS If you maybe wanted to make a cover for Alpha's Girl that'd be awesome... just putting that out there ;)

PPPS thanks for reading :$

Peace out ------ 0309

Chapter 1: Who’s Afraid of the Big Black Wolf

           I knew as soon as I woke up that it was going to be one of those days. You know, the type of day that has you questioning why the hell you even got out of bed for? But I knew looking around that I wasn’t even in a bed, hell I wasn’t even in a room. Nope because lucky me got to sleep out on the ground, not even a tent, I just woke up and found myself underneath a tree my body caked with so much mud it would’ve been hard to notice how pale I really was.

“I’m kind of glad I don’t have a mirror right now,” I mumbled to myself. “God knows how bad I look in mud. Brown was never my colour…”

            I had to keep talking to myself to calm down, and yes it looked ridiculous but hey on the bright side no one was around to watch me make a fool of myself.

            Or so I thought.

            I could hear the noise of bushes crashing against each other about ten meters away from me as if someone was running through them. I tensed up immediately, but all that tension eased off when I saw that it was a little girl making her way through it. She looked adorable, probably no older than five with sandy brown hair tied into now very loose pig tails. She was wearing a green dress that was now destroyed, tattered and covered in dirt and her cute little cheeks had red marks all over them. The girl kept running, a worried expression taking over her face. I got up about to make my way towards her but was stopped when an extremely large black wolf jumped out from the bushes she came through. The black wolf was snapping at her.

            HOLY FUCK A WOLF. Why the hell wasn’t I running? Maybe it was because the wolf was charging at the little girl who was now backed up against a tree.

            I am an idiot for thinking this but hey I’ve always been fast. Sprinting as fast as my two self proclaimed chicken legs would take me I ran to the poor girl just as the wolf raised its paw to strike. I covered her body with mine and tried to jump out of the way but wasn’t fast enough.

            The damn mutt clawed the side of my abdomen, pain screaming at my throat but it was trapped there. I looked back at the wolf, my body still covering hers.

“Hey sweetheart,” I said down to her as the black wolf made it’s way to us slowly. “Hate to break it to you but we’re screwed.”

“Yeah,” she said in between sobs. “I kinda figured.”

             I looked down at her again and almost smiled. This is the type of girl I would love to have around as a friend. It’s really too bad we’re probably going to get eaten. Maybe if I go in front he’ll eat me, then will be so full he’ll just let her go. My arms tightened around her as the wolf came at me, and I shut my eyes.

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