My best friends

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^^^creds to whoever made that unfortunately I don't know so if anyone knows pls do tell:)

we got in the car I was gonna sit in the back but than Kiri AND Bakugo yelled at me to sit in the front so I did and Bakugo played music the the song all I wanted was you came on and he went to skip
"Ugh fine dumbass"
"You guys are cute" Kiri said and me and Bakugo both yelled
"Jeez sorry god"Kiri said while putting his hands up
"Play them damn song!"
"Harleigh keep talking like that and your not gonna hear it at all asshole" Bakugo than okayed the song and yet again I went off it came to the part where the band stopped playing and it was just her singing and I gave it all I got
"ALL I WANTED WAS YOUUUUUUUOOOOOOoooOooo" yep I fucken hit that Bakugo had a smile in his face like he was proud he was in the same car as you and that Kiri got to witness that and Kiri was so shocked
"Hah thank you too bad I'm not allowed to profrom" I said while look out the window
"Wait why-" Bakugo than turned up the music and cut Kiri off so I didn't expose myself I looked at Bakugo and gave him a smile and he just side eyed me than looked at the rode I just sighed we finally made it to red robin and sat down
"Guys I gotta go to the bathroom"
"And why tell us that dumbass"
"Because I didn't just wanna a walk off asshole" I said as in a sarcastic tone
"Be safe har!"
"Thanks Kiri" I said as I walked off

*at table*
"Bakugo do you like y/n?" Kiri asked
Bakugo choked on his drink
"What did you say dumbass?!"
" I asked if you liked y/n" Kiri replied
"I DONT LIKE Y/N!" Bakugo yelled
"You obviously don't hate her either?" Kiri asked/pointed out
"Sure shitty hair" Bakugo said getting annoyed
"Is this feeling you have of her is it really hate?" Kiri asked
"SHUT UP!" Bakugo yelled

*your pov*
I walked back to the table and our food was there since we already order I sat down and took out my phone Kiri and katsuki with sitting infornt of me and I took a picture of Kiri and katsuki heh Kiri was smiling and doing the peace sign and Bakugo was eating his burger which he look good while doing it
"DELETE THAT NOW!" Bakugo yelled
"Nope" I said as stubborn as I am
"Bakugo calm down" Kiri tried to help
"Tell her to delete it Kiri" Bakugo replied
"And there!" Kiri and Bakugo both got a notification from mentioning them in my story it was the picture I took and it said my dates with a red heart
"Awe! I like it I'm gonna ss it!" Kiri said
"Okay Kiri!"
"I hate it" Bakugo said
"Katsuki u hate everything" Kiri than took a picture of all of us and posted it to his story I asked him to send it to me he did
I put my lock screen as Kiri and katsuki the one picture I took becasue I loved the picture and me and mina were my home screen even tho I'm upset with her I'm sure we'll be okay soon I don't like fighting with her i than showed Kiri and Bakugo my Lock Screen and of course Kiri loved it and Bakugo hated it and wanted me to change it I told him no and we finished eating and went to the car I hoped in the back because I wanted to let Kiri sit up front and i made him the whole time there Kiri and katsuki talked and I just looked at the window in my own world they said stuff to me but I didn't hear it Or remember it I was really tired and so I dozed

Next thing I remember was waking up to Kiri carrying me to my dorm while katsuki had all the bags Kiri noticed I woke up and just smiled
"You can go back to sleep, I'll put everything away for you" kiri said in a soft tone
"ok" I whispered and started falling back to sleep

*Kiri pov*
As n/n went back to sleep I kept carrying her to her dorm she must have been really tired we got to her dorm and I set her in her bed I didn't just wanna leave her in jeans because she seemed so uncomfortable but I also didn't wanna change her without consent so I lightly shook her and said her name a couple of times and she woke up
"N/n do you wanna change?"
"mmnooo" as she groaned and Bakugo did a small laugh
"Do you want me to change you? If your okay with that if not I'll let you be" I asked softly
"Mmmmyeah go ahead k-" she said as she fell back asleep I felt horrible for doing this because it wasn't my right to do it even tho she said it was okay I made Bakugo leave and I grabbed the grey champion sweats and put them on her she already had a t-shirt on so I just put her new hoodie over it and pulled her covers up I told Bakugo that he was able to come out and I asked him to help put away her clothes he somehow agreed

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