Night drives:)

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This one is kinda long!!

"N/n!! This is sero the other friend in our friend group he is super nice!"
"Hey in sero"
"Hello I'm y/n" I said as I smiled
"Yeah yeah you guys met now Mina what the hell are we doing raccoon" Bakugo blurted out
"Uhm idk what do you guys wanna do?" She asked
"Uhm well we could go somewhere"I suggested
" manly idea n/n!" Kiri said, well he picked up on the nickname
"As long as it not dumb like all you idiots" Bakugo said as he left the planing to us
Everyone started blurting out ideas but it was around 6:50 so nothing was open expected fast food
"Hey! I have an idea" I blurted out
" okay n/nx2 what is it??" Denki asked, great another nick name
"How about we all just drive around blasting music I mean wouldn't that be fun and we can get fast food on the way and we can't stay out for how long expect for 12 because I have to go back and rest" I said
"Yeah me too I need my sleep so if anything past 12 I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU" Bakugo yelled
"Even me I'm the one who said not past 12 you really don't show any appreciation bakubro" I said teasing him
" oh I'm sorry is your husband Kiri only aloud to call you that" I said while pretending to have a tear run down my face
"Uh n/n I don't like him" Kiri explained
"HE ISNT MY DAMN HUSBAND WHY WOULD I DATE SHITTY HAIR AND IM NOT GAY" Bakugo yelled (also nothing is wrong with being gay and I'm sorry if it came off as that)
" jeez I was joking can you not take a joke" I said annoyed
"Tch" as Bakugo looked away embarrassed
" well it's settled!! We are gonna drive around! EEK!! I'm so excited I'm glad you had such a good idea n/n!" Mina said while putting her arm around me
"What about seats we don't have enough" Kiri pointed out
"I already got that covered, sero driving because he is more responsible than anyone here sorry Mina!!" I said
"Heh it's okay! I agree"
"But sero driving and whoever pic-" I started to say
" I WANT SHOTGUN!!" Mina yelled
*shit no I wanted at least Bakugo to be shotgun ugh* I thought
" anddddd than Kiri, n/n and Bakugo in the back!!! Y/N GETS MIDDLE" Mina said
" okay great!! I'll be able to sit next to her!" Kiri said with excitement
"Uhm but guys where am I sitting?" Denki said in a sad tone
"Oh yeah the back! Like in the trunk so we need someone who's cars trunk is connected and not closed off!" I exclaimed
" sero car is and let's go idiots it's already 7:30" Bakugo said annoyed as always
" oh right yeah let's go!"
We all walked and I was thinking about how I have to sit in between Kiri and Bakugo ugh I would have sat in the trunk but I don't think anyone would let that happen I don't think Bakugo would le-
"Oww" I said as I ran into the wall I looked around to see Bakugo laughing at me
"Haha idiot a walls right there maybe look up while you'll walking I don't want you to be knocked out" he laughed
" HEY SHUT UP!" I yelled at him
" I can't that was just too funny let's go idiot" he said grabbing my hand so I followed him
Wait did he just say he didn't want me to get knocked out and I just saw him actually happy and wait EW he still holding my hand as I realized we already caught up with the other and Mina saw I quickly took my hand away as Bakugo looked at me confused
Why did that make me sad, was I sad he didn't have a reaction to me taking my hand away wait why would I be sad about that he doesn't have feelings for me of course and I definitely don't have feelings for him

I felt the cold air and got goosebumps but we soon got in the car with the heater, sero started the car and it was very dark in the car both Kiri and Bakugo were pushed against my shoulders because they didn't really fit because of how buff they are and denki seems fine in the back he seemed like he was having fun he would play with my hair time to time I don't know why but I didn't mind it felt good no body played with my hair before

"H-Hey sero don't your think we should get gas" i said before we left the parking lot of the dorms I looked back at the dorms to see someone watching us as we left it kinda looked like the deku kid but I'm not sure

I pushed that thought aside as we come to McDonald's Sero ordered than Mina than it was our turn sero rolled down Bakugo window because he was on the menu side he told them the Oder than I had to lean over Bakugo as I told them I wanted two hamburgers a medium frie and a tropical sprite while I said that Bakugo chuckle

"What's so funny boom boom boy" I said
"Oh nothing it's just you ordered a lot"
" oh so your calling me fat now!" I said offended
"Hey hey hey guys clam down no ones fat here"Kiri said trying to clam us down
" well Bakugo making it seem like I am"

"Uhm sorry is that all?" The lady asked I told her no and gave her denki and Kiri order this whole time I was still leaning over Bakugo
He than pushed me off of him as sero drove to the window to pay and than to the second window to get our food we waited for a bit than finally got our food everyone ate there food so fast and they all looked like wild dogs expect me and Mina I had food left over still and same with Mina but everyone else's seems to be all gone I asked if anyone wanted my fires Denki said yes and Mina gave him her food too

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