Hangout time;)

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I woke up to hear knocking
"I'm coming" I said as I got up
I opened the door to see sensei
"Oh uh hi sorry I was asleep"
"It's okay y/n, Mina informed me that you stayed home today because you were sick but I wanted to tell you that we have training starting tomorrow so rest up because you wouldn't want to miss out it could affect your strength" he explained
"Oh okay great!! I'll be there I'm actually starting to feel a lot better I must have needed a good rest"
"Oh okay well I'll be going and keep resting you need it" he said than walked off I closed the door and went back to my bed and got comfortable
"Ugh what time is it?" I checked the time it was 4:30 in the afternoon!! What the hell and he told me to sleep even more I soon than heard another knock I sure am popular today I thought as I opened the door to see Mina
"Hey! N/n I didn't think you were up since you weren't answering my calls or texts so I came here to make sure you were okay!!"
"Yes I'm alright Mina I got some good sleep!"
"Oo good okay well than you'll be able to come to my dorm than because I'm hanging with everyone since we didn't get to last night so we gonna do it tonight!!"
"Uh...okay well sensei told me to keep resting since we have training tomorrow" I said as I looked away
"C'mon n/n!! It will be so much fun"
"Fine I'll go but if I'm mad don't mind me I still need sleep and I'll only stay for a bit"
"Fine by me!" She said as she ran back to her dorm
I decided I should put away some of my clothes since I still need to put everything away I also decided to put up my LED lights up so I can have some sort of vibe I planned to finish everything on Friday and Saturday

I decided to lay down for a bit but I ended up falling asleep

" Y/N WAKE THE HELL UP!"someone with a Familiar voice said
"HUH IM UP" I yelled as I jumped up only to find Bakugo looking at me wait how does he know my name I never told him?
"HELLO it's time for Minas little hang out thing that I had to get dragged into" he rolled his eyes
"Oh my I completely forgot about that well let's go"
"Your seriously gonna go out looking like that"
"Uhm wtf is wrong with how I look"
"Your a Dumbass just get ready and go to minas dorm after your done"
"Your bossy and why are you giving me orders like I'm your slave" I said
"Tch....whatever hurry up" as he walked Out watched him untill the very last second I don't know why I did, he seemed interesting to me but oh well he is a piece of crap anyways doesn't care for anyone but himself and his ego is wayyy to high I thought to myself as I put on leggings and a black hoodie

*Bakugo pov*
Why was I the one to wake her up and she even yelled at me and said not to give her orders who does she think she is and I felt her eyes staring at me until I walked out what the hell why am I thinking about her, shes no one special just some dumbass who sleeps a lot I am so not looking forward to hanging out with her tonight I might leave early..

*Back to y/n POV*
After I finish dressing I decided to splash water on my face to wake me up a bit more I dried my face off with a towel and put on some mascara to make me look a little less sleepy I just put my hair in a ponytail which didn't look bad because it was still straight i than noticed a bath
"When I get home I'm totally gonna get in you and take a hot bath and that will knock me out so good I'll be rested even more for training" I said to myself  as I walked out of the bathroom and put my nike socks on than my nike slides I looked at myself in the mirror it was lowkey a cute ass fit I was feelin myself I decided to take a pic or two and posted one on my snap story since I already had Mina she slid up and said "omggggg your so cute" than asked me who I look so cute for ofc I said her because I absolutely love Mina already I really trusted her and that doesn't happen often but for some reason I have a little trust for kacchan and wait a minute why the fuck do people call him that sounds like a Pokémon character I giggled to myself as I arrived at Mina place and the door opened as soon as I got there
"AH oh hey n/n I didn't know you were right there my bad I was going to get sero since he wasn't here yet!"
"Hey look the dumbass finally showed up"
"Bakubro be nice!" Kiri said hitting him in the shoulder
"Hey y/n!" Denki said with a smile it made my heart warm his smile was so sweet and warm
" hey denki! Hey Kiri!" I said as I walked to them I gave them both a hug which is something I definitely don't do but for them I will I felt like I couldn't really be myself around them especially Kiri I don't know why he was just a comfortable person
"Where my hug dipshit" Bakugo scoffed
"You don't get one because your a dick" I said as I sat in between Kiri and denki
"Damn n/n you really put kacchan in his place" denki said while giggling
"Dounce face IM GONNA KILL YOU"
As Bakugo got up and started to walk towards denki,Kiri grabbed Bakugo hand
"Bakubro chill out he is just joking with you don't you see how terrified he is of you already" he laughed
"I guess your right I just feel like punching him in the throat" Bakugo said while a Devil like smirked appeared
Mina walked in with sero ive never seen sero before but he wasn't as cute as Kiri and denki or as attractive as Bakugo what the fuck am I thinking y/n you don't find Bakugo attractive at all

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