Mall! Pt 2

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*Bakugo POV*
After she said that I started blushing NO BAKUGO STOP I already let her call me katsuki and now I'm doing this I'm starting to think I'm the dumbass ugh I hate this! why can't I just figure out my mind I do feel bad for her? wtf ever I hate her
"Your gonna have to listen to my music dumbass" I said while plugging in my phone and going to my rock playlist
"Hope you like rock"
"Oh! I love rock!!" She said while sqwriming around she can be so cute wow
Tf am I thinking?! whatever just listen to your fucken music katsuki

*Back to your pov*
Katsuki put on some rock and boy am I gald he did I fucken love rock I've been trying to learn the electrical guitar Hm? I wonder if katsuki plays anything he seems like the guy who would omfg if he did, that would be so fucken hot you know at this point if I Keep thinking like this I'm just gonna let it be, no more denial of course katsuki is hot who wouldn't think that but that doesn't mean I like him I can still think that

The song 'can you feel my heart by the horizon' came on I was so happy it did I loved this song so much I pretended that I was playing the drums and completely lost control and started singing the lyrics I forgot katsuki was even there and nor did I care I was too caught up in my emotions and dancing although I did get a couple of glances of Bakugo looking at me and smiling he tapped his fingers on his steering wheel and then it turned to him using his whole hand while he slightly moved his head to the course I was still going off by this time I was hitting every note I forgot I could sing like this because I hadn't done it in so long but it feels amazing than the song ended we were almost to the mall and my throat started to get dry
"When we gEt" is stopped talking and was shocked of how big the voice crack was Bakugo also was shocked and looked at me
"what was that" he did a slight chuckle
"I don't KnOw" I slapped my hand over my mouth
"Well wHaT I WaS saYinG bEfore IS th- ThAT we....GeT wAtER for m-Me" now Bakugo was laughing
"Haha dumbass your gonna lose your voice but yeah we will go and get a drink you want boba that will help plus I'm hungry so we can get something" he said while parking we got a spot right in front of the building katsuki looked at his phone and sighed
"Well there here and there in the front waiting so we will see them also don't talk I'll talk for you since you know" he started to chuckle
"Oh sHuT uP" as I rolled my eyes and unbuckled and got out he locked the door and we walked to the entrance we walked in and saw everyone they all came up to us I was still upset with them and jirou and denki were holding hands! Holy shit who knew
"Hey! Bakubro!" Katsuki ignored Kiri and looked at me he saw I wasn't looking at anyone except looking at my feet
"Y/N!! how was driving with Bakugo!"
"She can't talk right now" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me
"Wait why! Where are u guys going!"
"WERE GONNA GET FOOD!"he yelled while still pulling me the others sat and watched I looked back and saw that Kiri was sad I mean he really didn't do anything wrong did he? I soon pulled my hand away from him
"Hey! I helped u out there don't be like that"
"S-sorry but did Kiri do anything wrong he looks so sad" I said feeling bad
" I bet he is for once I'm not hanging out with him" Bakugo replied
"Oh um okay" girls kept looking at him and I got jealous but why ugh I'm so annoying I can't even figure myself out
I than garbbed katsuki hand and looked at him he was shocked because he eyes were wide and didn't hold my hand back but than I think he figured it out and smirked and interlocked his fingers with mine soon all the girls rolled there eyes and looked me up and down which made me insecure but it's what ever we finally got to the boba place I order a green tea one while Bakugo ordered a mango one we went to the next place over and I got yakisoba and he got orange chicken we found a table and sat down from across each other I saw Bakugo shoot a mean stare but I don't know at who so I went to look behind me
"Y/n!" I stopped and wiped my head back to look at him
"What? Also who are you staring down?"
"No one leave it"
"Who was it"
"There was some 30 year old dude looking at you and I didn't like it just how you got jealous of how those girls were looking at me"
FUCK SO HE DID KNOW wait does that mean he was jealous of a 30 year old
"So.. you are jealous of a 30 year old staring at me?"
"NO! Dumbass I didn't want him to think he could do something to you"
"Ohh okay well thank you" I said than shoved food in my mouth he just stared at me blank faced
"What?" I said with food in my mouth
"One your gross two everyones coming here"
"Okay?" I said than kept eating soon after everyone arrived and gave me and Bakugo weird looks I didn't really care for it because I was too focussed on my food and Bakugo seemed to be pissed until he noticed I wasn't bothered

"Hey guys" Kiri said scratching his neck I just ignored him and kept eating and Bakugo didn't say anything either just eating and looking at his phone
"Heh um does this mean you aren't paying for me today?" He said while getting a sad expression on his face
"Nope" Bakugo replied
"Can I ask why your mad at me Bakubro?"
"No unless you apologize to y/n and I shouldn't have told you that you should have figured it out"
"Y/n your upset with me?!" Kiri asked
"Yep" I replied
"What did I do??" He asked
"Oh idk figure it out yourself" I was gonna say I thought you were manly but that would of really hurt his feelings and idk how his past is and I'm not as mad as him as I am at the others I feel like he would've said something
"OH MY IS IT BECAUSE YOU DIDNT GET TO RIDE WITH US!? Because if so I'm so sorry!! And like no one said anything I mean I saw how down you got and so I said something but you were already going to Bakugo and so I thought everything was okay I'm really sorry y/n can you forgive me I'll buy you anything you want"Kiri said really upset
"Kiri I accept your apology and it's good to know someone said something and I mean you don't have to b-"
"Woah woah bakubro your buying stuff for y/n?? I mean I guess I'll give you slack and buy stuff for her and be proud I brought extra money because I had a feeling something was going to happen like this also bakubro you know you don't have to ignore everyone because they were mean to n/n" Kiri said trying not to sound mean
"No! Because I know how it feels" Bakugo than went back to his phone and started eating
"Thank you Kiri Uhm I would let you sit with us but it's up to Bakugo" after I said that he shot me a look basically saying what did I tell you
"Bakubro! Calm down, also it's up to you man!"
"Sure whatever go get your stupid food and sit ur ass down" Bakugo said as Kiri walked to get food
" hey Uhm I have question?" I asked Bakugo
"What do you want"
"Why do you only let me call you katsuki"

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