the beginning

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Y/n : your name
L/n :last name
N/n: nick name
N/n x2: nick name twice for example "Sam Sam"
Akauma: demon/ Devil
Satsujin: murder
⚠️there is a lot of cussing⚠️

I just moved to Tokyo with my mom though we had to move because we had quirks and no one in Washington did but down here we heard there is a school with tons of kids who have quirks tomorrow was my first day we spent the whole day moving in my mom didn't trust the area yet but I wanted to go explore and she finally let me

I was walking down the street when I ran into this strange looking man but he was lowkey so pretty he had purple scars with paper clips what looked like holding his skin together he had 3 nose piercing on one side of his nose and black spiky hair he had really teal blue eyes and he was wearing a black cloak and a white T-shirt with black baggy pants and black boots.

"you just gonna stand there and look at me all day or what!"
"oh uhm... I'm very sorry.." y/n replied
"hey...I've never seen you before, you new here"
"heh cool well I'm dabi"
He said with a smirk
"uh I'm y/n"
"your so young why are you walking around by yourself you know it's dangerous, villains walk around here"
"huh..whaaa...VILLAINS??" I said
Dabi *chuckles* "yeah villains like myself"
*gulps* "y..y..your a"
"hey hey hey don't be scared I'm not gonna hurt you" dabi says than *smirks*
"uh....well it was uh nice talking to you but I gotta go unfortunately" I said trying to walk off
"hey but the fun was just getting started" dabi said while grabbing my arm
"okay you know what I don't give a single fuck if your a big bad villain, me being scared was only an act you really think you can do shit to me heh I don't think so" I was pissed off at this point
"ohhh so you aren't some quite lil girl" he replied
"heh fuck no"
"well let's see how big and ba-"
As I made him remember his memories of his trauma and he could feel the pain I than got so angry my other side started coming out as dabi screams in pain the cops get called
*y/n thoughts*
" I..I...I gotta go my other side is coming out if anyone see this ima gonna get thrown in jail I gotta go"
Y/n runs into an alley way away from everyone and clams down I finally went back to normal and headed home
"mom calm down I'm fine I got distracted by this hurting dog" I replied while rolling my eyes
"okay well villain was out there today RIGHT IN OUR AREA LUCKILY SOMEONE WAS THERE TO STOP HIM"
"hah yeah glad he got caught" I said to myself
"oh nothing I need to get ready for bed goodnightttt mom"
"night" mom replied

As i walked upstairs to my bathroom I noticed I was very dirty so I took a shower I like having the water steaming hot because I can't feel it at all, I got out wrapped myself in a towel and cleaned my face and went to my room the house was oddly cold I was surprised my mom didn't make it colder I opened the door and changed into this huge black hoodie and into some sweats that had a butt pocket and had a skull on the pocket I really loved these sweatpants because they were so cute and simple as I layed down on my bed I thought about how tomorrow I have school and what the people are like and how so much stuff has already happened and I haven't even been here for 24 hours yet after all the thinking I drifted off to sleep

Bakugo X reader ( love story) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu