"I'm not- I won't give up!," Sasuke stated trying to get off of Naruto's hold. "I WON'T LET YOU LEAVE!"

Naruto just chuckled at what he said.

"I already have" Naruto responded to Sasuke's last sentence before plunging him to the ground. The force of the plunge made a crater in the ground and Sasuke's face buried down there. Naruto then put his foot on top of his back and lunged down placing his hand behind Sasuke's head, trying to bury his face more into the ground, suffocating him.



Sakura, the kunoichi of Team 7, was walking down the streets of konoha to Naruto's apartment. The villagers around her seemed so happy and cheery, like nothing wrong had happened. This made her mad in the outside as two of her closest friends and teammates were probably battling it out as her previous discussion with one of them the night prior to this, made her worry. How could anyone be happy at a time like this? She asked herself that question as she stopped in front of a semi large building that seemed more destroyed the more you walk to the left.
She entered and walked up some stairs, turned left and walked down a hall that had no roof at the end. She stopped by a door in front her and held out her fist, ready to knock but stopped herself as she frowned.

'What am I thinking? He's not here now, but...but I know Sasuke will bring him back!' Sakura thought to herself as she just let herself in.

She looked around in shock and saw how messy it was, like if a small hurricane just hurled in here. The cabinets were either hanging to the side or just completely broken. There was a small table cut in half, and the legs in pieces, the bed's blanket was on the floor seemingly torn, and pieces of a chair were scattered. She examined it and was left with the conclusion he lashed out to himself here.

As she was examining, she saw pieces of glass laid on the floor near the corner and walked up to it curiously. She came upon a broken picture frame with its glass scattered and the picture laying to the floor so she couldn't see what the picture had. She squat down and picked up the picture, accidentally cutting a small skin on her finger by pushing aside the glass on top of it, turned it around and saw it was the picture of her and Team 7.
Obito smiling nervously with both of his hands on top of her 2 teammates, Sasuke and Naruto who seemed annoyed, and then Sakura herself on the bottom of the picture smiling happily with her fists up to her chin like a cheerleader wearing pom poms. Sakura smiled weakly as happy memories of her and her team came into mind. A single tear rolling down her cheek with the realization that those memories are just that and that nothing will ever be like those days again. She began now sobbing as she held the picture of her team close to her heart and her tears landing on the glass below her, her weak smile now into a frown.

'Sasuke...please..keep my promise and bring Naruto back..' she said in her mind.


Minutes later

Sakura was back to walking in the village, as she was not allowed to leave to go help the Naruto Retrieval Team. Her eyelids had a mixture of red and pink from her crying from earlier in Naruto's apartment, and her eyes seemed dull, as if she had just woken up. She passed by a bench and stopped as a memory from the previous night came in to mind, she did not want to remember however and continued walking trying to shake off the feeling she gets from it. Fear and Regret. She could've stopped him that night, but she didn't, she couldn't. She turned a right, with the path to the Hokage's Tower right ahead.
She stopped for a second and glared at the monuments behind it. All the previous hokage's faces carved into stone. She remembered Naruto's words of being hokage as his dream when Team 7 was formed but now, it was a happy memory as she got to know Sasuke more but now sad because she didn't acknowledge Naruto's dream then. As she was about to take a step forward, a flash of brown passed by, heading out of the tower and it caught her attention. She nodded to herself before running after it as fast as she could.

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