Chapter 2~Curse~

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Sasuke extended his hand which held his violet charm and stared at Naruto with a disappointed look.

"You said so yourself after our bell test, that no matter what, our bond, our connection, is unbreakable" Sasuke yelled out to Naruto who just stared at him with his now dull blue eyes that were previously red.

A breeze passed by as they stared each other down, Sasuke waiting for a response from Naruto. His blond hair was even more rough than before and he had noticeable eye bags beneath his eyes and his orange iconic sweater was zipped down, revealing a pitch black shirt beneath that looked dusted. His headband wasn't tied around his forehead and he was still slouching lazily. He then scoffed and turned around, his back facing Sasuke but he didn't walk away.

"I sure am naive,heh, but those words, my past self up to this point means nothing anymore," Naruto said, he then turned half his head around and smiled. "Well see ya around, Sasuke, you sure did waste a hell of time on me."

Naruto said enjoying himself as he walked away, waving at Sasuke while smiling. Sasuke, however, was having none of this and gritted his teeth while putting away his charm. He activated his sharingan that had two tomoe and dashed towards Naruto, wanting to catch him off guard. Naruto heard the footsteps rapidly getting louder as it got closer to him, he looked behind him and saw Sasuke getting ready to swing his fist, but Naruto didn't react in time and got punched in left side of his cheek and fell off the statue of Madara, and landed in the water. He had his eyes wide open and saw Sasuke again getting ready to land on him and yet again he was to slow to react and as soon as Sasuke landed, he was kicked and sent flying into some stone wall before he was grabbed by the collar of his shirt and put up close to Sasuke's face, indicating that he was the one who grabbed him.



"SHUT UP!," yelled Naruto in front of Sasuke's face.

He then used both of his feet to kick Sasuke off of him and lunged forward when he succeeded. Sasuke then tried immediately running towards Naruto again but this time he dodged it. He looked back and widened his eyes to see that his curse mark from Jiraiya had activated. Naruto had two black, tear like lines running down from his eyes like Jiraiya did. Coming from his neck upwards, were crack like lines that were also black with a hint of red. His whiskers were now more rough and seemed like scratches. A storm of grey clouds then began to cover the light of the sun.

"SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" Naruto yelled out, running to Sasuke with his hand sign.

Multiple clones of Naruto rushed to Sasuke with the intent to kill him. He then grabbed one of the clones and threw him at 2 others, making them disappear in smoke and grabbed 3 shuriken, which he held between his fingers, and threw them at 3 clones but another 3 were behind him so the shuriken also had made the 3 behind disappear. He then launched himself in the air, staring down at the remaining shadow clones and forming 3 hand signs, he yelled out, "FIRE STYLE: FIREBALL JUTSU!".

Flames that formed a fireball came from his mouth, it began burning all of the remaining clones. He continued to launch himself into the air looking for the real Naruto before he heard a flicker behind him. He tried looking back but what he got was a punch to the face and he was sent flying back to ground and landed in a puddle of water from the waterfall near them.
He landed on his back, groaning in pain as he tried to get back up, however Naruto has just landed as well and ran up to Sasuke. He crouched to get a hold of Sasuke's collar attached to his shirt ,since he was on the ground, and lifted him up. Sasuke opened his eyes and saw the hatred and anger in Naruto's eyes, but he could also see a bit of sadness in there. Sasuke glared back with a look off determination as he shook off the pain from landing.

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