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Yn pov.

My name is Yn rose. My life was great until I turned five. My family started hurting me for no reason. My mother Summer, my father Tai, my Aunt Raven, and my sister Yang would harm my every possible way with out killing me. Ruby and my Uncle Qrow were the only ones who treated me like a family member.

I'm in the basement when I here the door open.


Oh no I thought as i get off the floor to go upstairs. I'm greeted by a punch to the face.

Tai : Did eat Ruby's cookies?

Yn: No sir.

Tai: LIAR!!


Tai: Yang said she saw you, for your punishment you are not having any dinner tonight.

I look behind him and see Yang smiling. She loved telling lies about me so she could she get beat up. Tai then pushes me and I fall down the stairs landing painfully. I get up and go to lie down on my bed. Which is just a old blanket. I hear the door open again and I hear footsteps. I look and see it's Summer with a garbage bag.

Summer: Take this trash out weakling.

She then drops it and the garbage fall out the bag. I have no choice but clean up with my bare hands. I take garbage out and come back in to see Raven with here weapon out.

Aunt Raven: Time for some target practice.

It was about hour before Yang joined in and another before they both stop. I was bleeding and aching all over.

I slowly make my way back to the basement. There I started praying that God would help me. I then hear someone in the basement. This time it was the best Uncle I ever had.

Uncle Qrow: Hey kid they beat you up again?

Yn: Yes they did.

Uncle Qrow: I'm very sorry. It will stop soon. I have got some adoption papers so I can take you away from here. The only problem is I keep drinking. But I'm working on it. Just hang in there kid.

Yn: Please hurry I'm not sure if I can take anymore of this.

Uncle Qrow: I'll try.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow are you going take Yn away?

We turn to see Ruby at the bottom of the stairs.

Uncle Qrow: Yes my little rose pedal. If this keeps up Yn could die. But we will vist often just for you.

Ruby: What about the others?

Uncle Qrow: I will get a restraining order on them. If they harm him, there will be major consequences.

Ruby: Nice.

Uncle Qrow: I will see you both later. I will get you out of here. Thats a promise.

As soon as Uncle Qrow left Ruby gave me one of her cookies.

Ruby: Here.

Yn: Thank you.

Ruby then goes upstairs to eat with the others. I start thinking how my life would be with Uncle Qrow. No more beatings, no more starving, no more being blamed for things that I never did and no more being treated like a slave. Being trained to be a hunter and make friends. Oh yeah that would be nice.

Timeskip 1 month later

Thing did not change for me. Every day was the same. Today however was my birthday. The last three birthdays I had I would get double the amount of beating and do all the work in the house. The same thing happened again today. Except there was something new this time. I had just made dinner and accidentally dropped some hot food onto Tia. He screamed in anger and threw me outside and told me to stay there. I had had it. I couldn't take it anymore. I waited for all of them to go to sleep. Then I snuck in filled my stomach and was about to leave but suddenly stopped. Our dog Zewi was at my feet looking up at me.

Yn: I'm sorry but I can't stay here anymore. They will not stop hurting me.

I open the back door and ran into the forest. I did not look back. I soon stopped to take a breather. Which was a mistake because a beowolf showed up. I thought I was dead when all of a sudden a blue portal appeared next to me. With the remaining energy I had, I lunge into the portal. The beowolf tried to follow me but the portal closed as soon as I entered it. All what made it through was its head which turned to ash. I then start to loose conscious. Before everything went dark, I saw several people comming up to me.

I wake up to find myself in a white room lying on a comfortable bed.
I looked down and saw I was covered in bandages. A nurse comes in

Nurse: Your awake, that's good.

Yn: Where am I?

Nurse: Your in the hosptial. You been out for three days.

Yn: Three!!

Nurse: Yes. This kind man over there brought you here.


Yn: Hi.

??? Can I speak to him alone ???

Nurse: Sure.

??? My name is Alex.???

Yn: Yn.

Alex: My colleges and I were having a meeting to make preparations to go Isaac space station when this portal appeared and you came through it. You were pretty banged up. Can I ask what happened?

Yn:My own family abused me so I ran away.

Alex: That's just wrong no family should do this. How about I adobt you?

Yn: Really?

Alex: Yup. However we will be in space, you cool with that?

Yn: I am sir.

Alex: That's great to hear and call me dad.

Yn: Yes dad.

They both smiled.

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