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As I walk toward the doorstep I feel a temptation to turn around and walk away but if the boy I saved was alright then chances are she is too.

I ring the doorbell and my uncle Tom opens it,"Hey James, what brings you here sport, isn't there school today" he says,"hey Uncle Tom, um.....not really....is Lily home,"I ask he raises his eyebrow but lets me in,"Sure she's down the hall but a little sick,"he says before I walk down towards her room I open it to see it colored pink with a few rainbow and unicorns everything for a little girl.I turn to see her and notice something different, she has blond hair I always thought she had my hair a dark brown color but her mother my aunt Christa I never met since I heard she died from childbirth.

I walk toward Lily's bed and see she's looking at me with a smile,"Hey Lily, I'm James your-"

"I know, god gave me my meories except how I came back James,"she says getting up off her bed,"I'm glad your back, my dad thought I was going crazy but I knew you be here," I smile before she runs and wraps her arms around my waist."How's it going, I heard you were sick,"I say picking her up and placing her down on her bed."I'm not,"she says coughing,"Yea whatever but I brought something for you,"I say pulling off my backpack and unzipping it to get out a big golden elephant with pink buttons for eyes."Her name is Tina she couldn't sleep so I said I knew a brave girl who could protect her, right Tina,"I say shaking the elephant's head up and down.Lily suddenly grabs it from my hands and hugs it tightly.

"Thanks!Tina I'll protect you from darkness,"I laugh at her desire to protect the little stuffed animal I made for her.I quickly check the time on my clock and notice I have a while before heading to school."Listen I really hope you get better soon, I have to go Lily,"I say patting her head,"And also I wanna say you're awesome."

I get up and my phone suddenly rings I look and see it's my sunshine calling I smile seeing that's what I put instead of her name."Hey beautiful,"I say smiling,"Hey James where are you,"she asks with her amazing voice, "I'm visiting Lily my cousin but she's sick right now, say hi Lily,"I say handing my phone to Lily,"HII!Is this Jasmyn.....Hi Jasmyn......thanks you're pretty too.....James does talk a lot about you.....awwww you like him,"I laugh at the last part and then Lily offers my phone back."I think she likes you, "she says making me smile,"Hey sunshine I heard you have a crush on me,"I say smiling,"Maybe I do Lily says you talk a lot about me,"we both laugh and a smile spreads on my face."Love you sunshine."

That's the official ending of the book Ik a bit short but it didn't have to be long so anyway I already chosen my next romance book and it's called Paranormal Romance 2 will be uploaded probably some time this March the 17th but anyway

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